Importing Wikimedia’s (wikipedia) Dump File to MySQL
Create “wiktionary” schema
Import wikimedia’s DB structure using tables.sql
$ mysql -u root -p wiktionary < tables.sql
Import the dump file to your new database using mwdumper.jar
$ java -jar mwdumper.jar –format=sql:1.5 enwiktionary-20070914-pages-meta-current.xml.bz2 | mysql -u root -p wiktionary
Copy the ‘old_text’ column from the ’text’ table to the ‘page’ table
mysql> UPDATE 'wiktionary'.'page','wiktionary'.'text' SET 'wiktionary'.'page'.'old_text'='wiktionary'.'text'.'old_text' WHERE 'wiktionary'.'page'.'page_latest' = 'wiktionary'.'text'.'old_id'
Delete non-English rows:
mysql> DELETE FROM 'wiktionary'.'page' where old_text not LIKE '%==English==%'
Remove results not in namespace 0 (see Wiktionary:Namespace):
mysql> DELETE FROM 'wiktionary'.'page' WHERE 'wiktionary'.'page'.'namespace' != 0