15 Nov 2012

Capture Webcam Images Using Raspberry Pi

Capture an image every 2 seconds and keep the last 43,200 images (24 hours).



cd /home/pi/uvccapture
uvccapture -v -S45 -B190 -C35 -G50 -x640 -y480  -t2 -c/home/pi/uvccapture/copyimage.pl



use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Copy;

my $newImage = "/home/pi/uvccapture/snap.jpg";
my $destdir = "/home/pi/uvccapture/images";
my $frames = 43200;

chdir $destdir or die "cannot change directory";
my $newest_file = 'ls -t | head -1';
chomp $newest_file;

my $lastNum = 0;
my $currentNum = 1;

if ($newest_file =~ m/(.*?)\.jpg/) {
  $lastNum = $1;

  if ($lastNum < $frames) {
    $currentNum = $lastNum + 1;

  copy($newImage,"$destdir/$currentNum.jpg") || print "\n Failed to copy $newImage\n";