Below you can find instructions on how to add an action to the right-click context menu in Dolphin file manager for stripping one or multiple .JPG files from their Exif information.
First, find out where the new config file should be located:
$ kde4-config -path services /home/user1/.kde/share/kde4/services/:/usr/share/kde4/services/
I chose to add it only for the current user:
$ vi /home/user1/.kde/share/kde4/services/strip_exif.desktop
[Desktop Entry] Type=Service Name=convert ServiceTypes=KonqPopupMenu/Plugin Actions=Strip; MimeType=image/jpeg; [Desktop Action Strip] Name=StripEXIF Exec=convert -strip %f 'basename "%f" .JPG'_stripped.JPG Icon=/usr/share/icons/Humanity/places/24/user-pictures.svg
It will not overwrite the picture, it will append _stripped to the filename. Just restart Dolphin for the changes to take effect.
Source and some reference.
Bonus: Here is a .desktop file for resizing one or multiples files to 1024×768:
$ vi /home/user1/.kde/share/kde4/services/resize_1024.desktop
[Desktop Entry] Type=Service Name=convert ServiceTypes=KonqPopupMenu/Plugin Actions=Resize1024; MimeType=image/jpeg; [Desktop Action Resize1024] Name=Resize1024 Exec=convert -resize 1024x768 %f 'basename "%f" .JPG'_1024x768.jpg Icon=/usr/share/icons/Humanity/places/24/user-pictures.svg