05 Apr 2019

Setup password-store on multiple computers using gitlab for synchronizing password repository

Setup pass on multiple computers


  1. Create GPG Key

     gpg --full-generate-key
     gpg -k
     gpg --export-secret-key 6002450973C62F2FD9F8353101C4ECCB53ACCE05 > key-gpg-pws.private

    Note: Copy the private key to all of your devices.

  2. Initialize git repository on first computer and gitlab (create new project on gitlab first)

     pass init 6002450973C62F2FD9F8353101C4ECCB53ACCE05
     pass git init
     pass git remote add origin ssh://git@gitlab.com/username/pws
     pass insert email/gmail.com
     pass insert forum/reddit.com
     pass git push origin master
  3. Setup additional computer

     gpg --import 6002450973C62F2FD9F8353101C4ECCB53ACCE05
     git clone ssh://git@gitlab.com/username/pws ~/.password-store

Compatible client list can be found at: https://www.passwordstore.org/ (including ones for Android and iOS)

Note: I will probably go with Bitwarden or KeepassXC instead because this one would not encrypt the paths to the passwords…