MySQL Challenge: 100k Connections
PureBoot, the High Security Boot Process
SEC Asks Manhattan Federal Court to Hold Elon Musk in Contempt
AskElectronics: Does this sound like an achievable goal? - The 5 appliance challenge
Researchers Break Digital Signatures For Most Desktop PDF Viewers
Vodafone CEO Says Banning Huawei Could Set Europe's 5G Rollout Back Another Two Years
blender: I’ll get there in the end
homestead: Pet Quail Update: Tap(right) and 24(left) are now 14 days old, mostly feathered,...
RetroPie: 1TB microSD cards are now a thing
homeassistant: Plant monitoring with Xiaomi Mi Flora sensors
blenderhelp: how can i make the blue eye object track to my rigged body properly?
Know Your Fits And Tolerances
People Are Concerned About Their Privacy In Theory, Not Practice, Says New Study
Databases always have a schema (2018)
Starbucks' music is driving employees nuts
Show HN: Automatically synchronize subtitles with video
The Last POWER1 CPU on Mars Is Dead
homelab: I think we should all paint our home labs 'hba card'
signalidentification: Unknown SSB Voice Transmission @ 11025kHz
esp32: Is there any full example of HTTP OTA update for the ESP32 on Arduino core?
science: Spending just 20 minutes in an urban park will make someone happier — whether they...
New Flaws In 4G, 5G Allow Attackers To Intercept Calls and Track Phone Locations
ISP Windstream Files For Chapter 11 Bankruptcy After Being Hit With $310 Million Judgement
ArtisanVideos: Frank Howarth - Making a Maple Bowl with Maple and Walnut Inserts
Welding: Meme Monday
financialindependence: The religion of workism: why wealthy americans aren't retiring
science: Stratocumulus clouds become unstable and break up when CO2 rises above 1,200 ppm....
Casting The Bed Of A CNC Machine In Granite
Thirty-Million-Page Backup of Humanity Headed To Moon Aboard Israeli Lander
Mint, a new HTTP library for Elixir
Practical Facts about the Human Brain
Launch HN: OurWorldInData (YC W19 Nonprofit) – Data on World’s Largest Problems
AMA: Bill Gates
E-Ink Price Tags Fall Off Store Shelves Onto Your Workbench
Drupal 7 Will Reach End-of-Life in November of 2021
US Paleontologists Call For a Worldwide Halt To the Sale of Vertebrate Dinosaur Fossils
Oldest Viable Laptop (2017)
As AWS Use Soars, Companies Surprised by Cloud Bills
The Gyllenhaal Experiment
EngineeringPorn: This LG phone uses IR lasers & ToF sensor to create & identity unique vein...
Would You Like To Play a Game? WOPR Summit is This Weekend
Sprint To Launch 5G Service in 4 Cities in May
California lawmakers introduce plan to end surprise ER bills
RTLSDR: Is this a dead NOAA satellite?
OpenBazaar: Serious Concerns !
homeassistant: Which logs to check w/ the frontend wont come up?
Stethoscopes, Electronics, and Artificial Intelligence
Consumers Kinda, Sorta Care About Their Data
Mozilla and Scroll Partner To Test Alternative Funding Models for the Web
homestead: We have life! Quail Life! Seven new Cortunix babies and 44 more to go!
blender: "Blur the sh*t out - Nobody's gonna know."
The UK's Health Service Told To Ditch 'Outdated' Pagers
Normalization of Deviance
Iterative development: the secret to great product launches
Facebook moderators in America
blender: Alien Sponge thingy.
EngineeringPorn: What is a Weir?
esp32: Is parallel RMT output possible on the ESP32? Multiple RMT pins at once?
Glowtie is Perfect For Those Fancy Dress Raves
All Things Enigma Hack Chat
'Captain Marvel' Review Bombers Have Dropped Rotten Tomatoes Audience Rating To Lowest Among...
SD Association Unveils microSD Express Format That Promises Transfer Speeds of Up To 985 Mb/s
RTLSDR: What maths should I learn before getting into SDR?
AskElectronics: cheap ebay switching power supplies?
Welding: Mrw it’s hot as fuck in the shop and the door mechanism is fucked so it doesn’t open
homeautomation: Recommendation for automated motorized curtains, not blinds?
NASA Is Building A Space Station In A Weird Orbit. Here’s Why
.NORM Normal File Format
Australian Email Service FastMail Says It is Losing Customers and Facing Calls To Move Operations...
MeFi: About Face
Huawei Frightens Europe's Data Protectors. America Does, Too
Famous Laws of Software Development
AskElectronics: Youtube channel for engineering
Welding: Torqued to 20 ft-lbs
raspberry_pi: Found the TV in the garage. Wanted to go retro.
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esp8266: Flywire/freeform/deadbug desktop clock and weather display
Android Is Helping Kill Passwords on a Billion Devices
Portmanteau Generator
Fearless Concurrency: Clojure, Rust, Pony, Erlang and Dart
Does Sunlight Through Glass Provide Vitamin D?
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seedexchange: Looking for Dracaena cinnabari seeds
ICANN Warns of 'Ongoing and Significant' Attacks Against Internet's DNS Infrastructure
ESA completes first hot-fire test of 3D printed BERTA rocket engine
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