The Department of Justice Loves Publicizing Arrests of Alleged Terrorists — but Not the White...
Jair Bolsonaro’s First 53 Days as President of Brazil Have Been a Resounding, Scandalous Failure
Why Bernie Sanders Should Promise to Serve Only One Term as President
The Justice Department Singled Out This Man in Expanding Efforts to Strip Citizenship. A Judge...
French Muslims Grapple With a Republic That Codified Their Marginalization
Honduran Teen Fled Gangs at Home Only to Be Murdered While Stranded at the U.S.-Mexico Border
Fire Scientists Say the Arson Case Against Claude Garrett Was Fatally Flawed. Will Anyone Listen?
The EPA’s Bungled Response to an Air Pollution Crisis Exposes a Toxic Racial Divide
The Secret History of Fiat Brazil’s Internal Espionage Network and Collaboration With the...
Democrats Across the Country Are Getting Hounded by Voters for Shying Away From the Green New Deal
“One of the Most Taboo Conversations” — New Yorkers Push to Decriminalize Sex Work
AOC, Sanders, and Warren Are the Real Centrists Because They Speak for Most Americans
Bernie Sanders Asks the Right Question on Reparations: What Does It Mean?
Watchdog Group Slams FTC for Revolving-Door Practices Ahead of Pending Staples Merger
The Secrets of American Power: Unitary Executive Theory, Guantánamo Bay Prison, and Extraordinary...
Russian State TV Distorts The Intercept’s Reporting on a Syrian Chemical Attack
The Special Interests Behind Rep. Pramila Jayapal’s Medicare for All Bill Are Not the Usual...
Conservative Expert Privately Warned GOP Donors That a Voting Rights Bill Would Help Democrats
The Leaks That Trump’s Justice Department Prosecutes Are Mostly About Trump, His Cronies,...
Muslim Immigrants Sue ICE for Getting in the Way of Religious Observance
Y Combinator Accidentally Let 15,000 People Into an Exclusive Program, Now Has Decided To Do...
Serious Amazon Ring Vulnerability Leaves Audio, Video Feeds Open To Attack
Windows 10: New study shows Home edition users are baffled by updates
homelab: SuperMicro SYS E200-8D based VMware lab
homedefense: Does anyone know if the green light on the Amazon Cloud Cam is hardwired so the...
homeassistant: Sonoff will burn my house?
Chrome Should Get 'Extremely Fast' at Loading a Whole Lot of Web Pages
Gremlin Free – Run chaos experiments to prevent outages
Julia on Google TPU: Shakespeare RNN
Welding: New hood, along with the new shop nickname of “master chief” and “spaceman”
DataHoarder: New Acquisition I Blame /r/DataHoarder
New Part Day: The STM32 That Runs Linux
Coinhive Cryptojacking Service Will Shut Down Next Week
Gab Wants To Add a Comments Section To Everything On the Internet
zfs: Why is zpool iostat is showing lots of writes but iostat/iotop command on OS is showing...
blenderhelp: Can't bake the fluid simulation within a specific time frame
KiCon Gets Our KiCad Conference On
Mayak Turns WiFi Traffic Into Sound
Samsung's Fastest Phone Memory Ever Goes Into Production at 512GB
Ask MeFi: Seeking your rowdiest breakfast sandwich concepts
Heat Your House with a Water Brake Windmill
Immersive Linear Algebra
Teardown: AppLights Personalized Projection
Cryptocurrency Wallet App Coinomi Caught Sending User Passwords To Google's Spellchecker
FedEx Turns To Segway Inventor To Build Delivery Robot
Cheap Kubernetes Cluster on AWS with Kubeadm
Alleged Coinomi exploit shows how easy it is to have Bitcoin stolen
We Need Chrome No More
museum: Grayson Perry - The Island of Bad Art (2013)
ArtisanVideos: the winner of all Japan shoeshine champoinship 2019, Naoki Terashima, shines shoes
raspberry_pi: My powerfull raspberry pi FM emitter antenna
RTLSDR: Slow Scan Digital TV(SSDV) activated on the JY1Sat cubesat! You can now receive images...
specializedtools: This car escape tool saves lives!
esp32: ESP32 with batteries 18650
blenderhelp: Help: the sun doesn't have any relation with the reflection on the object
Ask Hackaday: Can We Get Someone To Buy And Destroy RAM?
Differentiation and Integration
'Prism, Prism on the Wall, Who is the Most Trustworthy of Them All?' Huawei Hits Back at US...
'Moment of reckoning': US cities burn recyclables after China bans imports
More than 42% of 9.5M people with cancer drained life's assets within 2 years
datasets: Soccer data used to calculate XG
gundeals: [Handgun] Beretta 92FS Compact 9MM $429 + $20 Shipping No Credit Card Fee
EngineeringPorn: USB rechargeable AA batteries
specializedtools: This ring making process
esp32: Any clever people know how to synchronize the DAC and ADC in RTOS?
Ten 3D Printed Gadgets That Just Can’t Stay Still
Computer Servers 'Stranded' in Space
D-Wave Previews Quantum Computing Platform With Over 5,000 Qubits
Nginx 1.15.9
zfs: ZFS experts - raidz(x) pools rec <=9 drives - but what about zmirrors?
homestead: How we spend our days. It is week three, they still haven’t worked out that I’m...
AskElectronics: Electronic enclosure production - who/where/how?
Welding: Because a little fun doesn't kill you
RTLSDR: What a lovely day
Hack My House: Raspberry Pi as a Touchscreen Thermostat
Congresswoman Destroys Equifax CEO Mark Begor About Privacy
raspberry_pi: diyHue, ESP8266's, and WS2812B LED Strip Kitchen Install - More in Comments
homedefense: DSC Power 832 - Switching to online monitoring and my current provider won’t...
science: Children who grow up with greener surroundings have up to 55% less risk of developing...
OneWeb Wants To Rebuild the Internet in Space, Connecting Billions Not on the Web
Anti-Vaccination Conspiracy Theories Thrive on Amazon
Aurora, UWA and RPH to 3D print titanium medical implants for humans
Is Elon Musk trying to commit ‘suicide by SEC’ by taunting the agency?
homestead: I was going to plant some flowers in this milk can, but I forgot that I was already...
Welding: Making progress!
homeassistant: Notifications: What do you all use?
financialindependence: How much is enough?
blenderhelp: Blender 2.8 Glare Node?
3D printed steel tool cuts through titanium, wins $15K innovation prize
Additively manufacturable micro-mechanical logic gates
blender: The GPU Slayer
esp32: Looking for a recommendation on the best and easiest to setup online sensor graphing...
homeassistant: Starling Sensor not showing 2 decimals
homeautomation: Just updated my lights firmware
"Insider Threat" Detection Software
Simple Timer Evolves into Custom Kid’s Watch
The Cassette Returns On a Wave of Nostalgia
Ruth E. Carter & 3D printed Black Panther cape and crown win Oscar for Best Costume Design
Show HN: Visual Studio Code for Chromebooks and Raspberry Pi
zfs: zfs resilvers every single device in a vdev