Pac-Man: How We Played the Game
PCjs Machines
AskElectronics: Looking for EEE books/resources
homeautomation: Control IR and RF devices using keyboard shortcuts and smartphone?
The Latest in Creepy Spyware
The Cat, The Aircraft, And The Tiny Computer
Probe From NASA's InSight Lander Burrows Into the Soil of Mars
MeFi: "There is presence in that landscape, but you can't identify it."
China's social network surveillance databases are apparently leaked to Internet
Linux 5.0
homelab: We did a little tidying up of our rack
europe: Location of every city founded by the Roman Empire outside Italy
raspberry_pi: Raspberry Pi cluster I saw setup at Oak Ridge National Laboratory as an educational...
DataHoarder: [PSA] Beware of this individual who claims to have archives of data you're looking for
blender: Mini boys playing Mini Pipe Organ
EngineeringPorn: Two sets of cables designed to carry 12,500 amps, the bottom cable is a s...
Adding Real Lenses To An Instant Camera
Serverless collaborative editor using CRDT
China's social network surveillance databases are apparently leaked to Internet
Cringely's Final Predictions: Apple Becomes a Financial Service and Hedge Fund
Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger FAQ
Google reveals “high severity” flaw in MacOS kernel
science: Warming oceans are hurting seafood supply—and things are getting worse
MeFi: The real mystery is that they had no distinguishing features at all
homedefense: Best home security system with monitoring and reporting
esp32: Play wav file from esp32 spiffs to bluetooth speaker
homeassistant: Suggestion: suggested list of node red nodes in a faq on the sub's inform page.
Face A/Face B : le retour de la cassette audio
Sherry Turkle, la psy des nouvelles technologies
Safely Dive Into Your Fears with Virtual Reality
Facebook won’t let you opt-out of its phone number ‘look up’ setting
ArtisanVideos: Audi Electric Motor Engine Factory - HOW IT'S MADE
financialindependence: Weekly budgeting ritual for couples
homeassistant: if you could start from scratch...
Sensible Software Engineering
museum: Édouard Manet (1832–1883) - The Toilers of the Sea (1873)
zfs: Can ZFS / ZoL be configured to be more compatible with bash? (i.e., be made to work with...
foraging: My experience with wood sorrel.
Welding: Anyone else inspect welds wherever you go? Found this at Universal Studios Hollywood.
France Considers Raising Taxes on Internet Giants
zfs: Sustained write to pool stops abruptly (Freenas 11.2)
blenderhelp: I am really trying to get into 3D. Doing tutorials but this has happened to my...
signalidentification: What is this?
RetroPie: My latest portable is finally assembled! More pics in comments
PrintRite Uses TensorFlow To Avoid Printing Catastrophies
The password “ji32k7au4a83” has been seen over a hundred times
RetroPie: Issue with image overlays
europe: German chancellor Angela Merkel at the carnival
AskElectronics: Looking to build a multichannel 0-600V voltage monitor hat for Raspberry Pi
Elon Musk Tweets New Details About Tesla's Model Y Electric SUV
homestead: Added some ducklings to our flock
europe: Hafen City. Hamburg
specializedtools: Snowball mass production
Choose Your Representatives On the Open Source Initiative Board
Status as a Service (StaaS)
Gun laws where guns take the most lives
RTLSDR: Anything can be an antenna if you put your mind to it
science: Scientists find that babies younger than 6 months of age are not able to recognize...
Hackaday Links: March 3, 2019
More People Bought Physical CDs and Vinyl Than Songs on iTunes Last Year
China’s Plan to Build the World’s Biggest Supergrid
Python Data Science Handbook: Full Text in Jupyter Notebooks
Leaked Documents Reveal Facebook's Global War on Data Privacy Laws
blender: Just a little meme. Sometimes I feel bad about this.
Is The Attention Economy Dying?
Florida prisons sued after inmates lost $11M worth of digital music
Session Types for Rust
A Book about Qt5
EngineeringPorn: Qantas dreamliner assembly
homelab: Potential power surge?
Missing Out On Deep Sleep Causes Alzheimer's Plaques to Build Up
homestead: Flock start up
blenderhelp: How to make an object stain a surface?
Talk To Your ‘Scope, And It Will Obey
The Washington Post Decries 'Toxicity' in Videogames
Top books discussed on Stack Overflow and other Stack Exchange sites
RTLSDR: NOAA-recommended crossed yagi, with no filters or amplifiers
esp8266: Desktop weather/clock or possible octopi monitor
Does Listening to Music Have a Negative Impact on Creativity?
Bootstrapping Calculator: Do you have enough savings to fund your business?
The MBA Myth and the Cult of the CEO
AskElectronics: dual voltage power bank not giving 5v after a short circuit mishap.
DataHoarder: My hoard has a new home (still need a rack)
40% of Malicious URLs Were Found on Good Domains
What I Learned at Activision
Pika: Making it easier to find, publish, install, and use modern packages on npm
Polar as a Personal Knowledge Repository
Welding: Getting better.
financialindependence: New to the forum and sharing my accidental FIRE story
homelab: This little PI feels lonely...
signalidentification: zigzag signal
OpenBazaar: OpenBazaar: Why hasn’t it Steamrolled Amazon and eBay?
esp32: ESP32-AmigaBoingBall: A port of the famous Amiga Boing Ball Demo on ESP32 using TFT_eSprite
esp32: How to avoid losing your GoPro using the ESP32 as a BLE server
CNC your own PCB with this Tutorial
Can the BBC and ITV Challenge Netflix?
Gameboy Emulator for Emacs
France Plans 5% Digital Tax as Governments Chase Internet Giants
RTLSDR: Unitrunker....almost there....
homeautomation: Local realtime person detection for RTSP cameras