Mammalian Near-IR Vision Through Injectable, Self-Powered Retinal Nanoantennae
A surprisingly arcane little Unix shell pipeline example
Graphene-Based Filter Purifies Salt Water for Drinking
science: A UK patient's HIV has become "undetectable" following a stem cell transplant - in...
Launch HN: Dockup (YC W19) – On demand staging environments for dev teams
Democrats to push to reinstate repealed 'net neutrality' rules
AskElectronics: Where to get 0.6mm and 0.4mm thick pcb boards to test flexibility?
DataHoarder: Old school
MeFi: Dig if U will the picture
Tech Imitates Life: Fireflies Make Better Light Bulbs
Arizona Prosecutor Says Uber Not Criminally Liable In Fatal Self-Driving Crash
Oxide: A Formal Semantics for Rust
Common Lisp Koans
chunkwm — a tiling window manager for macOS
The Troika Laundromat
Your creditor will know where you are, all the time. With your ID, biometrics, geolocation,...
Fact check: The Senator who asked the question said "Regardless of what was going through the...
esp32: Perf Board in Waterproof Box Prototype for Prototyping - What do you think?
What It's Like To Smoke Salvia For Science
Ask MeFi: Makeover! Homebody to hustler edition
Google Coral Edge TPU
Welding: So I am no welder just a guy who was lucky enough to make things stick!!!! Today is...
esp8266: ESP32 getting errors connecting to MQTT broker
RTLSDR: two annoying gripes about my setup
Google Maps Adding Photo Radar Warnings For Drivers In Canada
Ghidra, NSA's reverse engineering tool, is now available to the public
RTLSDR: Has anyone used GPIO Labs' LNAs?
homelab: Homelab and home automation setup - the power of Pi!
blender: Potato
Google Launches AI Platform That Looks Remarkably Like A Raspberry Pi
FBI Director Christopher Wray On Encryption: We Can't Have an 'Entirely Unfettered Space Beyond...
Pacific Northwest Relying On Nuclear Energy During Cold Snap
MeFi: Thuban, Polaris, Vega
Neural MMO – A Multiagent Game Environment
Spidermon: Scrapinghub’s Now Open Sourced Spider Monitoring Library
Kraken, an Open Source Peer-to-Peer Docker Registry
I used to take a victory lap every time one of these stories came out. It felt good to see...
homeassistant: Ikea Zigbee repeater with zigbee2mqtt
Microsoft's Chromium-Based Edge Browser Looks Just Like Chrome
Lambda Cube
Digitally preview incoming USPS mail and packages
The Growth Stacks of 2019
Kakoune – A Modal Text Editor
In less than a month, the European Parliament will not only decide on a new #copyright law,...
foraging: Wild garlic kimchi (crosspost from r/fermentation)
EngineeringPorn: Wow
specializedtools: Automatic bartender
blenderhelp: Weird black artifact when using Blender Network Render
Google Open-Sources GPipe, a Library For Training Large Deep Neural Networks
Facebook Is Introducing a New 'Tributes' Section For Memorialized Accounts
From video game to day job: How ‘SimCity’ inspired a generation of city planners
A Behind the Scenes Take on Lithium-Ion Battery Prices
AskElectronics: Anyone know where to get the Sparkfun USB-C Connector?
Welding: I hate grinding these off.
homeassistant: Electric Dryer Voice Notifications and Automations with Home Assistant
Cylindrical LED Display Comes Full Circle
Microsoft Will Launch Disc-Less, 'All Digital' Xbox One S Next Month, Report Says
Web Design 3.0: When Your Web Design Matters
Why American Construction Costs Are So High
europe: People out in Munich against Article 13. Keep at it!
esp32: If you're interested in audio on the esp32 - have you check out the Espressif Audio...
Why 'ji32k7au4a83' is a Remarkably Common Password
Report Finds Widespread Contamination at Nation's Coal Ash Sites
The sad state of font rendering on Linux
How badly are we being ripped off on eyewear? Former industry execs tell all
homestead: Those fangs 😩
raspberry_pi: Built a RPi Zero W USB dongle and now I can take my pi anywhere.
Hydrogen Desk Cannon Is Fun With Electricity and Water
Linux 5.1 Continues The Years-Long Effort Preparing For Year 2038
Achieving 100k connections per second with Elixir
museum: Konrad Knebel "Straße mit Mauer" ("Street with Wall"), 1977
science: In 2010, OxyContin was reformulated to deter misuse of the drug. As a result, opioid...
homedefense: Question. I need to set up a temporary camera to catch possible rats in action.
ArtisanVideos: Pastry Chef Attempts to Make Gourmet Reese's Peanut Butter Cup | Gourmet Makes...
Better Living Through Science: Why Your Kids Probably Aren’t Getting Measles
Vladimir Putin Wants His Own Internet
Exploit Vendor Zerodium Announces Big Rewards For Cloud Zero-Days
Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science
Widening Russia Money Laundering Scandal Hits European Banks
Debian Buster will only be 54% reproducible (while we could be at 90%)
homeautomation: My In-Wall Tablet Install with Magnetic Frame
Volvo To Test Full-Size Driverless Bus in Singapore
MeFi: What is the kindest thing a stranger has done for you?
FaunaDB 2.5.4
zfs: 3 disk existing Z1 pool, adding 4th disk
financialindependence: Anyone else feel like they are in a mid-life crisis in their late 30s?
3D Print Your Own Electric Screwdriver
India Beats UK and US on Mobile Data Price
Delete Never: The Digital Hoarders Who Collect Tumblrs, Medieval Manuscripts, and Terabytes...
A bold idea to replace politicians | César Hidalgo
Websites using SSAI (server side ad injection)
RetroPie: Currently working on a 3D printed raspberry pi 3b+ gameboy that uses real gameboy...
esp32: How can I connect an ESP32 to wired ethernet?
“Good Code Documents Itself” And Other Hilarious Jokes You Shouldn’t Tell Yourself
All Intel Chips Open To New 'Spoiler' Non-Spectre Attack
Scientists develop 3D printed plastic-composite sensor capable of detecting changes in water
What is it like working at a company after releasing a negatively-received game?
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Mozilla fears DarkMatter ‘misuse’ of browser for hacking
Intel CPUs afflicted with simple data-spewing spec-exec vulnerability