Google Duplex Rolls Out To Pixel Phones in 43 States; Plans To Bring Duplex To Other Android...
Ask MeFi: Where do you hang out online when you're not metafiltering?
A 60 Minutes Story on Gender Equality Accidentally Proved the Persistence of Patriarchy
MeFi: The Feedback Fallacy
The rise of wgpu
foraging: Foraging Friday - early autumn, central Victoria
raspberry_pi: Booting from an SSD completely changes the game!
Bruce Schneier: It's Time For Technologists To Become Lawmakers
Ask MeFi: Tell me about "quality of life"
3Diligent produces 140 3D printed components for Seattle's second tallest tower
Spritestack – 3D pixelart editor based on sprite stacking technique
ARM processors like A12X are nearing performance parity with desktop processors
AskElectronics: Replacement for Schottky Diode
EngineeringPorn: Hydraulic press vs candles
A Montréal, un espace de travail qui prend tout son SSENSE
Raspberry Pi Camera with Smarts — Cloud or Local?
A Third Person May Have Been Cured of HIV
Ask HN: Current and former FB employees, what's the other side to the story?
Leaked Documents Show the U.S. Tracking Journalists Through a Secret Database
AskElectronics: 230VAC to 250VDC converters?
MeFi: The location of her grave has disappeared
APL – A Glimpse of Heaven (2006)
blenderhelp: What is baking/UV Bake?
europe: Guy with yellow vest causing trouble in Paris
ESP32 Drives Controllerless Display Using I2S Hack
Firefox To Add Tor Browser Anti-Fingerprinting Technique Called Letterboxing
The Servant Economy
Ecosia – the search engine that plants trees
AskElectronics: Simple transistor amp. What am I doing wrong?
RTLSDR: The interference of the speakers of my TV
DataHoarder: $159.99 10TB Easystore at Best Buy
foraging: Can anyone identify? Found in north Vancouver BC march 6
esp8266: ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Communication between tasks using FreeRTOS queues
blender: Just started, had to pay the donut tax
Neuroactive potential of human gut microbiota in quality of life and depression
homelab: Upgraded Server CPU's for $45 and nearly doubled my processing power! :D
science: A diet containing compounds found in green tea and carrots reversed Alzheimer’s-like...
This BeagleBone’s Got AI
European Parliament Set To End EU-Wide Daylight Saving
Ask MeFi: Simmer sauce specifics?
A PhD State of Mind
Tesla – Introducing V3 Supercharging
esp32: Why do I have to press the EN button to get my board to accept code?
ArtisanVideos: [NSFW] Japanese Professionals who reprint Hokusai's Shunga - YouTube
specializedtools: How convenient
MeFi: A woman writing a novel with food
NSA’s top policy advisor: It’s time to start putting teeth in cyber deterrence
Viewing Matrices and Probability as Graphs
The Bakery That Runs On Emacs
QuadrigaCX's Crypto Accounts Were Emptied Months Before CEO's Mysterious Death, Putting Fate...
'Big Data' Has Come to Mean 'Small Sampled Data'
homestead: 2 month old heifer lost her mom yesterday. Finally got her to take the bottle.
OpenBazaar: How do i know if a store is still active? (To avoid wasting my time and mod fees)
Robots Built a House That Generates More Energy Than It Needs
Waymo: Bringing 3D perimeter Lidar to partners
AskElectronics: Trying to build super-simple oscillators
financialindependence: FIREd last Friday
homeautomation: Home Assistant 0.89 released
Amazon's Joint Health-Care Venture Finally Has a Name: Haven
Samsung Is Working On Two More Foldable Smartphones
Amazon to Shut All U.S. Pop-Up Stores as It Rethinks Physical Retail Strategy
europe: It has been a rainy winter in Cyprus. This is the result!
homeassistant: 0.89: Nissan Leaf, PlayStation 4, Point alarm control, Owlet baby monitor
Fun With A Hydrogen Thyratron
US Army Assures Public That Robot Tanks Adhere To AI Murder Policy
Samsung Patents Wireless TV With No Power Cable
Show HN: Create Chart Images from a URL
A Privacy-Focused Vision for Social Networking
Firefox to add Tor Browser anti-fingerprinting technique called letterboxing
foraging: Does anyone else make their own green powder from foraged ingredients?
homedefense: Everything you wanted to know about Blue Iris
The Prototype iPhones That Hackers Use To Research Apple's Most Sensitive Code
Self-Driving Cars May Hit People With Darker Skin More Often, Study Finds
Grim C++ Tales from the Crypt: The Visitor Pattern (2017)
Open-Sourcing Windows Calculator
U.S. users are leaving Facebook by the millions, Edison Research says
homedefense: Security concerns of warehouses being built next to community
Welding: Little project made today at school
blenderhelp: Why do the last drops of fluid move very slowly? How do I stop this?
Nintendo To Smartphone Game Makers: You Can Only Gouge Our Players So Much
Prototype iPhones That Hackers Use to Research Apple’s Most Sensitive Code
Experts cracked laptop of crypto CEO who died with $137M, but the money was gone
Serious Chrome zero-day
museum: Robert Crumb (1943-) Art & Beauty
Fueled By Jealousy, This Smart Lamp Really Shines
Democrats Introduce 'Save the Internet Act' To Restore Net Neutrality
Sweden to serve 3D printed food to elderly in care homes
Updated Microsoft Store App Developer Agreement: New Revenue Share
Microservices, Containers and Kubernetes in Ten Minutes
foraging: Spruce gum foraged in NY (z5) in Early March
Mark Zuckerberg Says Facebook Will Shift To Emphasize Encrypted Ephemeral Messages
homeassistant: Weather Underground API has been shut off
zfs: Cannot receive stream with or without resume token / resume option
financialindependence: Excellent comparison of state and local taxes by income
esp8266: Simple code for rebooting the esp8266 after receiving a certain MQTT topic
esp32: Is ESP32 capable of edge triggering to synchronize output?
Joulescope DC Energy Analyzer Reviewed
Implementing a Neural Network from Scratch in Python
homedefense: I have one of these cams, uses 'minieye' app, but does not email alarm photo when...