Amazon’s Alexa Has 80k Apps and No Runaway Hit
A JavaScript-Free Front End
FBI accuses wealthy parents in college-entrance bribery scheme
E.U.’s Biggest Economies Ban Boeing Max 8 Jets
signalidentification: sounds like high pitched ringing telephone in RAW, and similar in other...
europe: Italy bans unvaccinated children from school
Do You Know Where Your Drone is Headed? HJWYDK Article Explores Limits of MEMS Sensors
Microsoft Will Now Pester Windows 7 Users To Upgrade To Windows 10 With Pop-ups
Ask MeFi: I'm tired of being bored on my commute
To lure young talent, banks mimic tech workspaces
Going beyond the Golden Ratio
Chinese Data Breach Exposes 'Breed Ready' Status of Almost 2M Women
On “Open” Distros, Open Source, and Building a Company
gundeals: [Handgun] S&W M&P 2.0 COMPACT 9MM 3.6" 15RD BLK NMS - $379.99 Shipped
zfs: Can't import pool from ZoL to BSD
DataHoarder: Introducing Firefox Send (1GB anonymous; 2.5GB registered)
Node.js and JS Foundations Are Merging To Form OpenJS
Chrome's Lite Pages Speed Up HTTPS Webpages on Slow Connections
Did Sam Altman make YC better or worse?
Where Warren’s Wrong
AskElectronics: Where can I source a range of numbered single conductor wire?
EngineeringPorn: Portable turn signal for bicycles
homestead: My first time rendering leaf lard was a success!
Welding: I sure do love me sum aluminium.... Name plate for my gf's desk.
DataHoarder: 10tb WD Elements - £174.71 - Amazon [UK]
RetroPie: Full-Sized Standing Arcade Cabinet I made with u/dwarf08 and a non-reddit user
esp32: Google Home/Assistant device discovery
« A quoi servent nos politiques de concurrence si rien n’arrête la concentration ? »
Twelve Channels Of LEDs Give RRRRGGGGBBBB Light
Microsoft is Preparing To Test Android App-Mirroring on Windows 10
What a beatboxer's vocal cords look like in action | Tom Thum and Matthew Broadhurst
Season of Docs
Show HN: Idea Minr – Business Ideas Aggregator
Cloudflare Raises $150M and Adds to Board of Directors
gundeals: [Other] cue russian voice "Why not shoot rockets all night looong" - RGA-86 Polish...
zfs: Wrong size of ZFS dataset
homestead: One of five lambs born during the last week, my mother (RIP) would be very proud
EngineeringPorn: My friend made this Radial engine assembly animation recently, thought the...
esp8266: Checking I'm on the right path before starting
No, Your 3D Printer Doesn’t Have a Fingerprint
Tim Berners-Lee Says World Wide Web Must Emerge From 'Adolescence'
Firefox Send Lets You Share 1GB Files With No Strings Attached
Some airlines and regulators ground 737 Max in wake of Ethiopian Airlines crash
Russia blocks ProtonMail
Firefox Send
esp32: i m looking to power my esp32 vroom board from batteries so i can deplay them outside...
science: Human-raised wolves are just as successful as trained dogs at working with humans...
blenderhelp: i real just dont know left(render)
europe: Latvian PM breaks protocol to hold Merkel’s umbrella
Prof Stephen Hawking commemorated on new 50p coin
Microsoft proves the critics right: We’re heading toward a Chrome-only Web
raspberry_pi: Might have been here before sorry if so
financialindependence: My views have changed as I round the final turn towards financial i...
specializedtools: Reading eyeglasses with adjustable focus
homelab: Just thought you'd like to see my new drives!
specializedtools: Circular glass cutter
Microsoft Asks Users To Call Windows 10 Devs About ALT+TAB Feature
EngineeringPorn: That nice smooth motion
ArtisanVideos: Inami Wood Carving
blender: Look at my awesome horse and field render I did for my girlfriend! She came up with...
On Surveillance in the Workplace
It’s Raining Brand-new Commodore 64s
What is the Boeing 737 Max Manoeuvring Characteristics Augmentation System?
KV Storage, the Web's First Built-In Module
blender: Patrick. Feedback appreciated.
Googling Strangers: One Professor's Lesson on Privacy in Public Spaces
A Gentle Introduction to Multithreading
Show HN: Mixing WebGL and HTML, Both Rendered Out in React
30th Anniversary of the World Wide Web
museum: René Magritte - Towards Pleasure (1950)
zfs: How is Linux (eg ubuntu) support
foraging: Springy little things
homeassistant: Adding values to a "monthly total sensor" only when it changes, adding more...
US Tells Germany To Stop Using Huawei Equipment Or Lose Some Intelligence Access
MeFi: The Right-Wing Weaponization of Classical History
homedefense: Security camera system setup recommendation
science: Japan team edges closer to bringing mammoths back to life
This Raspberry Pi Is NASty
Oldschool planar graphics and why they were a good idea
Surprising Discovery Hints Sonic Waves Carry Mass
RetroPie: mintyPi V3 - RetroPie gaming console in a Altoids tin!
MIDI Grid Can Glow Up With The Best Of Them
Andreessen Horowitz is opening an office in SF
Amazon AWS to Maintain "Open Distro for Elastic Search" due to licensing issues
homestead: Cardio.
Show HN: ApproveAPI – Real-Time user approvals via email, SMS, and push
Another former Tesla security manager says the company spied on employees
Tim Berners-Lee: 'Stop web's downward plunge to dysfunctional future'
science: Scientists sampled urban bee hives in Vancouver and found that honey can provide a...
blenderhelp: Group of vertices seems to drag behind in pose mode, how to fix?
Russia Blocks Encrypted Email Provider ProtonMail
Better web video with AV1 codec
AskElectronics: How realistic would it be to build a guitar amplifier?
EngineeringPorn: Incredible flight simulator
financialindependence: FIRE - A story from a Mexican guy.
Stalking Streams On Spotify
Congress Introduces Bill To Improve 'Internet of Things' Security
Google's Page Allegedly Gave Rubin $150M Stock Award
Facebook backtracks after removing Warren ads calling for Facebook breakup
raspberry_pi: mintyPi V3 - Raspberry Pi handheld gaming console