Gwern's Law: Ads cost you a tenth of your users
Roll Your Own Analytics
Why Do So Many Egyptian Statues Have Broken Noses?
zfs: Sharing a hot spare across multiple pools
Welding: This Predator looking guy at my local mechanic.
blenderhelp: How would you do something like this?
Expert Says Don’t Teach Kids to Code
Mercury -- Not Venus -- is the Closest Planet To Earth on Average, New Research Finds
MeFi: Enjoy Refreshing Logarithmic Spirals
Companies may be losing millions due to emails buried in collapsed Gmail threads
Chickens 'gang up' to kill intruder fox on French farm
Chromium: Secretly stores referer and url for downloaded files (2017)
Rudder issue that plagued the Boeing 737 throughout the 1990s
gundeals: [Other] Weekly Buy Curious Request Thread - 03/14/2019 IT'S BAA-AAACK! NOW WITH FEWER...
museum: "Joy" by Karl Heinrich Gruppe (1925) (xpost r/SculpturePorn)
ArtisanVideos: BeanPanda's Homemade Soy Sauce [8:37]
blenderhelp: Shifting material gradient when animating with bones? (2.80)
Quantum Computer Not Ready To Break Public Key Encryption For At Least 10 Years, Some Experts Say
Facebook Apologizes for Outages, Says It Has Resolved 'Server Configuration' Error That Led...
Our dangerous quest to perfect ourselves | Thomas Curran
Google is reportedly shutting down its in-house VR film studio
Calculating a record-breaking 31.4T digits of Pi with GCP
[12:02] A secure and privacy-focused cloud storage solution
Andrew Yang qualifies for first DNC debate with 65k unique donors
ArangoDB Receives $10M Series A Funding
foraging: What are these? Good to eat? They had a very mild taste
homestead: The ducks are getting so big!
ArtisanVideos: Short Documentary of Master Korean Sushi Chef
financialindependence: Pressing Pause on the FIRE Remote
specializedtools: These eyeglass cleaners
science: Women Say Cannabis Makes for Better Orgasms - The Relationship between Marijuana Use...
[Ben Krasnow] Drills Really Small Holes with Electricity
Tumblr's Web Traffic Has Dropped From 520 Million Page Views in December 2018 To 370 Million...
Victrex to make multi-million euro investment in Bond for PAEK 3D printing
Launch HN: Travelchime (YC W19) – Doc for travel planning with friends
Ask HN: Startup failed after years of work. Can I even get a job now?
AskElectronics: Buck converter for adjustable power supply?
OpenBazaar: Monthly OpenBazaar Developer Meeting at 11am EDT (when this post is 45 mins old)...
MCAS and the 737: When Small Changes have Huge Consequences
Google Smashes the World Record For Calculating Digits of Pi
Dropbox Now Limits Free Users To 3 Devices
MeFi: The future visibility limit
Krita 4.2.0: First painting application with HDR support on Windows
Getting too absorbed in side projects
foraging: Does anyone use wild lettuce or prickly lettuce for pain,sleep,ect.. and which one...
blenderhelp: Help with extrusion matching
OpenBazaar: Blockbooth is down for days now
Facebook's Data Deals Are Under Criminal Investigation
homedefense: Firearms for home defense in an apartment
RTLSDR: This a bad idea
homelab: First home lab server!
esp8266: Who would have thought taking an accurate temperature would be so hard?
homeassistant: Everspring ST814 refuses to include into Z-Wave network.
blender: Isometric House!
Godot 3.1 Released
Telegram gets 3M new signups during Facebook apps’ outage
AskElectronics: Can electronics be damaged by flicking a light switch rapidly.
blender: 6:30 AM - Spring
DataHoarder: Flag for r/DataHoarder — a minimalistic hard drive inspired by Japan.
science: The power of gratitude in the workplace: Being thanked more often at work predicted...
Jade Raymond, recrue majeure de Google pour sa stratégie jeu vidéo
Halo: Master Chief Collection Is Finally Confirmed For PC, Will Include Reach
Children for Sale, 1948
A Pi-Powered Plan 9 Cluster
zfs: Need help planning storage architecture
raspberry_pi: Happy Pi(e) Day!
europe: British Roulette
MeFi: "Everything that happens is data. Mistakes are a good thing."
zfs: rsync, LUKS and zpool iostat
blenderhelp: 2.8 How do I edit baked keyframes, from a F-curve modifier?
The Opportunity Rover's Final Photo of Mars
The ups and downs of porting 50k lines of C++ to Go (2015)
EngineeringPorn: NASA rover. On earth?
Simple Sensor Provides Detailed Motion Capture for VR Hands
Understanding the Stellar Consensus Protocol
Why Investigators Fear the Two Boeing 737s Crashed for Similar Reasons
Write Yourself a Git
Physicists Reverse Time Using Quantum Computer
blenderhelp: I lost my animatation
Emulating An Altair 8800 On An Apple II
zfs: ZFS performance and best practices for workstation (Linux)
homeautomation: Siri command seems to have changed in the latest iOS update. She was smarter....
museum: Gilbert Stuart - The Skater (Portrait of William Grant) (1782)
homeassistant: Lovelace tablet and phone views
Death Metal Music Inspires Joy Not Violence, Study Finds
esp8266: Flashing Sonoff RF Bridge
blenderhelp: Newbie question about Cycles
specializedtools: This dog has a digestive issue so his family made him a chair so that he...
ATtiny Gets A Tiny Software UART
Cells seem to decode their fate through optimal information processing
Death metal music inspires joy not violence
Iodide: An experimental Mozilla tool for data exploration on the web
financialindependence: Should I opt out of social security?
RTLSDR: 12 Hour Radio Heatmap
DataHoarder: Presenting The Hard Drive (1986)
RetroPie: My Freeplay CM3+ Slim with Joy Con Analogs (Xbox layout)
Boeing 737 Max Jets Grounded By FAA Emergency Order
New Mexico the Most Coal-Heavy State To Pledge 100 Percent Carbon-Free Energy By 2045
homeassistant: Can I play a TV episode or movie from one button click on HA?