DataHoarder: Has anyone previously backed up myspaces hosted music?
homeassistant: Check out my new video: DIY $10 Smart Home Wireless Temperature and Humidity...
Friday Squid Blogging: A Squid-Related Vacation Tour in Hawaii
The Intercept Shuts Down Access To Snowden Trove
4chan has been blocked in NZ “for security reasons”
PagerDuty S-1
signalidentification: Strange "signals" on several short wave places
blenderhelp: Is it possible to use a gradient on a emitting shader?
Octavo Systems Shows Off With Deadbug Linux Computer
Scientists Measure 1.3-Billion-Volt Thunderstorm, the Strongest on Record
Apple Dealt Legal Blow as Jury Awards Qualcomm $31 Million
Students stage global protest to speak out on climate change inaction
Germany to make it a crime to run a Tor node or website
Welding: Stumbled across this and knew where it belonged! Tattoo artist including owners scar...
raspberry_pi: I made this smart lock with a pi zero, a servo and a RFID reader! (Works through...
blender: Come for the models, stay for the donuts
Upcoming Speaking Engagements
I Was Cited in a Court Decision
Android Q Will Kill Clipboard Manager Apps in the Name of Privacy
Nanofabrica announces commercial launch of micro-level 3D printing technology
A/B testing original design vs. random template bought from ThemeForest
California declared drought free for first time in seven years
CowToilet, a Toilet for Cows
museum: Leon Bakst - Afternoon of a Faun (1911)
ArtisanVideos: Post Malone (ASL/PSE COVER) Sign Language The artist is performing a fast hiphop...
AskElectronics: protecting an arduino from back EMF
blender: Dig
blenderhelp: How to remove sphere in non-sphere shapes?
RetroPie NES Clock Tells You When it’s Game Time
EU Expected To Hit Google with Another Massive Antitrust Fine
Amazon Gets an Edge With Its Secret Squad of PhD Economists
MeFi: 3D-Printable Furniture Hacks
MIT uses 3D printing to build 'origami' robot gripper that grasps objects 120 times...
The Intercept Shuts Down Access to Snowden Trove
Reddit Has Become a Battleground of Alleged Chinese Trolls
Easy to Remember Color Guide for Non-Designers
homestead: My first foal of the year!
blenderhelp: hello how do i do a cut out of multiple intersecting duplivert child objects
homelab: The homelab
Hackaday Podcast Ep10 – XKCD Graphs, Turing Complete Meta Computers, False Finger Printing...
Mid-Winter Hacker Camp In Civilised Surroundings
California Declared Totally Drought Free For First Time in Seven Years
MeFi: The Impossible Project of Radical Compassion
Face detection library with speed of 1500FPS
Beto O'Rourke's membership in America's oldest hacking group
zfs: My stripe split on reboot! What happened, and can it be fixed?
foraging: “The Road More / Less Traveled” Black Walnut Nocino
RTLSDR: My Inmarsat antenna build
WordPress Now Powers Over One-Third of the Top 10 Million Sites on the Web
Beto O'Rourke's Secret Membership in America's Oldest Hacking Group
How to keep human bias out of AI | Kriti Sharma
Amazon makes 14 cents from every Lyft ride
AskElectronics: Current control low resistance load
EngineeringPorn: What a neat tool
OpenBazaar: Search providers
This Super Realistic LED Candle is Smoking Hot
Kids From At Least 112 Countries, Including the US, Go on Strike To Protest Climate Change
Ask MeFi: Oh the vanity!
Germany to make it a crime to run a Tor node/website
homedefense: Looking for Baby Monitor - Blue Iris w/ mic/speaker
science: MIT neuroscientists have shown that they can improve cognitive and memory impairments...
esp8266: Arduino ESP 1.5.0 library issues?
Critical Flaw in Swiss Internet Voting System
The $50 Ham: Entry-Level Transceivers for Technicians
Apple Says Spotify Wants 'the Benefits of a Free App Without Being Free'
Facebook Readies AI Tech To Combat 'Revenge Porn'
Dumbass Home 2.0. How modern IoT works, how to automate your rented box today
2019 Guide to Cryptographic Key Sizes and Algorithm Recommendations
blender: New Blender Guru Tutorial - How to make a Neon Sign in Blender 2.8
homedefense: Compatible cameras for
blenderhelp: UV unwrap section with marked seams and no idea why its displaying the diagonal...
Welding: New welding glove vs what a semester of mig, tig, and stick does to a glove (both where XL)
homeassistant: Ikea’s smart blinds have been delayed to later in 2019
blenderhelp: Trying to align 2 objects - snapping vertices in edit mode looks fine; as soon...
blender: Nintendo™ Game Boy!
Space Mission Hearing
Arts contributed $763B to US economy – more than agriculture or transport (2018)
homestead: First time momma and her beautiful "Gray-be" heifer!
RetroPie: PlayStation BIOS not found
homeassistant: DPI Amped Wireless Smart Power Strip
homeassistant: ZWave compatible LED GU10 Bulbs
Consumer Groups Want To Tax Facebook To Save Journalism
"My Man" / "Bohanna" / "We Dance" | Crush Club
Facebook, Axios and NBC Paid to Whitewash Wikipedia Pages
homeautomation: abode - Just finished setting up the door vocals with Alexa. I'm amused. Wife...
The Raspberry Pi Cluster from Outer Space
Boeing 737 Max Hit Trouble Right Away, Pilot’s Tense Radio Messages Show
homeassistant: Mirror lights colour and brightness
europe: Student climate protest in Cologne, Germany
Iconoclast: a Gothic/Cyberpunk MUD RPG, Online Since 1996
A New Discovery Upends What We Know About Viruses
DataHoarder: A Google engineer just broke the record for digits of pi computed (now 31,415...
specializedtools: Snow clearing machine for trucks!
Huawei Says It Has a Backup OS In Case It's Cut Off From Android
Toyota's Takaoka #2 Line: The Most Flexible Line in the World
How Inuit parents teach kids to control their anger
A Game Boy Supercomputer for AI Research
The Bitter Lesson
Addressing Spotify’s Claims
esp32: Battery powered ESP32 Temperature Sensor