Show HN: TeXnique – A LaTeX Typesetting Game
CamScanner, a malicious Android app with more than 100M downloads in Google Play
Natural Language Processing: The Age of Transformers
API Gateway Identity Crisis – are they replaced by service mesh?
The Death of Alexander the Great: One of History's Great Unsolved Mysteries
Recap of the `funding` experiment
Children of a Thailand tribe who see with clarity beneath the waves (2016)
Kevin Cohen : « Un marché unique numérique européen »
Engineers Develop Bone-Like Metal Foam That Can Be 'Healed' At Room Temperature
MeFi: "Antebellum Reasoning"
homelab: Have an overkill Ryzen build at home for multimedia use? - Try setting up a hypervisor
gundeals: [Handgun] Rock Island 1911 in 10mm - $469.99 After Rebate
museum: Francesco Trombadori - Il tram di Villa Glori (1925)
ArtisanVideos: Gears for a clock being machined from scratch
Welding: My final 6g woo hope the bombers like it
Attacking the Intel Secure Enclave
Arduino on mBed
museum: Ku-lim Kim — Death of Sun I (1964)
homelab: Laser cut Raspberry Pi rack mount
science: For the first time, a team led by Innsbruck physicist Ben Lanyon has sent a light...
Dqlite – High-Availability SQLite
AskElectronics: Cable ratings
ArtisanVideos: Walking Sprinkler Restoration - Rescue & Restore
RetroPie: What's holding up Retropie for the pi 4?
How We Manage a Million Push Notifications an Hour
Is Tech's 'Free' Business Model For K-12 CS Education Good Or Bad?
Building A Robot Rover For Those Tough Indoor Missions
Welding: Stacken em'
financialindependence: What's your target FIRE amount and why?
RetroPie: Diablo 2? Deus Ex? Wine?
Welding: 2yrs of self taught 6063 MIG pulse. Any advice or pointers are appreciated.
esp8266: Flashing AT Firmware
homeautomation: Comparison of popular current robot vacuums! I made this for myself and figured...
Misinterpreting hurricane forecasts
Verified by Twilio
Trump Launches Space Command
openwrt: How can I install the luci theme rosy?
Linux kernel drivers in Rust might become an option in the future
How To Play Doom – And More – On An NES
science: Largest study of roles of genes in homosexual behavior found that genetics is responsible...
DataHoarder: what's up with this delta in file size from one drive to another?
FileKit: An open source end-to-end encrypted cloud storage service in JavaScript
Microsoft Is Killing ePub Support in Edge Classic
AskElectronics: Your diy ultralight has crashed! You MUST power up the emergency transponder...
esp32: Can someone help a newbie with wiring a basic 3 x 4 keypad to my esp32?
A deep dive into iOS Exploit chains found in the wild
Social Media Stress Can Lead To Social Media Addiction, Study Finds
Show HN: Real world (Jupyter notebook embed) way to assess data scientists
The Mobility Trap: Why We'll Never Fix Congestion by Speeding Up Traffic
This Heads Up Display is All Wet
Blacksmith: Don't know how I feel about this hammer. 2.5lb head weight. Osage orange handle....
Portugal Tax Authority: Bitcoin Trading and Payments Are Tax-Free
DDSketch: A fast, fully-mergeable quantile sketch with relative-error guarantees
Flawed Algorithms Are Grading Millions of Students’ Essays
Disney Is Leading the Charge Against Netflix By Returning To Weekly Episode Releases
TOR: Is Tor in China completely screwed if Microsoft Azure blocks domain fronting?
foraging: 2.5 gallons of highbush cranberries. Didn't even put a dent in the patch
EngineeringPorn: Imagine this laser in year 1500...I will summon now the magic engravings..
homelab: 12 down... 12 more to go...
esp8266: Lost in the confusion over power supply for a d1.
esp32: Help. Timed put connecting
Microsoft Unveils New Tablet Experience For Windows 10
Microsoft Is Killing EPUB Support In Edge Classic
FTC Is Investigating Juul's Marketing Practices
ArtisanVideos: Making Linen Fabric from Flax Seed: How Linen Is Made
science: Suicidal thinking, severe depression and rates of self-injury among U.S. college students...
Tooltips: Secret weapon for improving feature discovery
Write Fuzzable Code
A Molecular Near Miss
U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory: Marijuana Use and the Developing Brain
See If Someone Has Been In Your Drawers With This Simple Alarm
China Intercepts WeChat Texts From US and Abroad, Researcher Says
EngineeringPorn: Belongs here
specializedtools: Tool for making 'brick' paths with concrete
EngineeringPorn: Adokart the unboxer, master of parcels
Show HN: Zepel, a Jira alternative for product teams
EPA To Roll Back Regulations On Methane, a Potent Greenhouse Gas
Ask Slashdot: Who Are the 'Steve Wozniaks' of the 21st Century?
TOR: Running Relay on Raspberry pi?
datasets: Where can I get datasets that are interesting or useful for a course?
homedefense: Additional External Security for Rental Apartment
AskElectronics: Can I convert 2-wire "self-powered" voltmeters to 3-wire "externally powered"...
OpenBazaar: Running OpenBazaar over Tor
Brazil’s Chief Prosecutor, Deltan Dallagnol, Lied When He Denied Leaking to the Press, Secret...
Jack Ma, Once Proponent of 12-Hour Workdays, Now Foresees 12-Hour Workweeks
gundeals: [Other] Aero Labor Day Sale - 25% to 15% on everything.
gundeals: [Pistol] $330 After Rebate - Rock Island Armory GI STANDARD FS 45ACP 5" 8RD PRK
RTLSDR: Maybe helpful for Hurricane season and those who have HF coverage in their setups....
RetroPie: Trying to play Silent Hill on PS1 and it crashes immediately. Literally black screen...
How software made me loathe my luxury car
Measuring Particulate Pollution With The ESP32
Uber CEO Sees Path To Profitability Despite Bumps in the Road
Microsoft Vendors Win a $7.6 Billion Deal for Pentagon Software
MeFi: The GOP Is The Party Of Big Dad
raspberry_pi: My RPi4 DEFCON Hardware Hacking Station
How I help people understand vitiligo | Lee Thomas
Learning SIMD with Rust by Finding Planets (2018)
Is It Time to Upend the Periodic Table?
homeautomation: A few beautiful rig setups have been posted lately. Here's my steaming heap...
Welding: Equal length stepped headers 2.5”- 2,625” 15” primary’s to 6” collector...