The Internet Relies on People Working for Free
HP Printers Try To Send Data Back To HP About Your Devices and What You Print
Blacksmith: Make tongs universal again
raspberry_pi: Morrowind / OpenMW on Raspberry Pi 4 :-)
gundeals: [ACC] Crimson Trace Laser Guards for various handguns - $80-$200 (free holster with...
museum: Carl Kahler - My Wife's Lovers (1893)
esp32: Can BLE and WiFi be used on a single ESP32?
A la fin du printemps 2013, Edward #Snowden est devenu le cauchemar du gouvernement américain...
Edward @Snowden : "Ça doit nous alarmer quand toutes les démocraties occidentales commencent...
Dass @CDU-Politiker seinen Wunsch nach Asyl in Deutschland ablehnen, überrascht @Snowden nicht....
#Entrevista |"La única manera de evitar el abuso de poder es limitar la eficiencia de ese...
ArtisanVideos: Allen Edmonds Fifth Street boot Restoration
RTLSDR: Nooelec 9:1 HF Balun Version 2?
esp8266: ESP12 PCB design and boot mode help
Where you are born is more predictive of your future than any other factor
Square Wants To Be a Bank But Doesn't Want To Be Taxed Like One
datasets: Baby name project
The Untold Story: Joe Biden Pushed Ronald Reagan to Ramp Up Incarceration — Not the Other...
The Military Has Done Little to Prepare As Climate Change Threatens Guantánamo
Speed Up Filming With This Jawdropping 8-Axis Camera Crane
HotPeppers: I grew some peppers over the summer.
openwrt: [Question] Mi WiFi Router 3G v2
HotPeppers: I too had a small harvest
science: Researchers have engineered a plasmid with CRISPR to remove an antibiotic resistance...
esp8266: ESP32 webserver connection issue
science: Researchers analyzing recent BBC and Netflix nature documentaries found that although...
Equifax doesn't want consumers to get their $125
TOR: How safe is Tor ? I want to write anti-government article/campagins on fb. I am considering...
openwrt: OpenWRT on Fritz!Box 7390
AskElectronics: How to run a wire across a hinge?
Listo para comenzar a leer a
It’s time to clear your cache. A crucial memoir of our digital age, Permanent Record by...
"Vigilància permanent” d’Edward @Snowden. Edició en català de @columnaedicions. Ara...
« Le Monde » publie les bonnes feuilles des Mémoires d’Edward Snowden : « Il était ...
Google Preps 'Smart Screenshots' Feature To Let You Search With a Screenshot
RTLSDR: "snake" antenna experiment
esp8266: esp 8266 as storage
In seinem Buch beschreibt Edward Snowden wie US-Geheimdienste weltweit Daten sammeln - zum...
Building Video Pong With Discrete Components
EngineeringPorn: I built a dinosaur costume of PVC pipes and foam. Thought I'd share it here :)
esp32: Q: ESP32 CAM horizonal lines? Screenshot in post.
esp32: Notifying me when a hidden network with a specified OUI is near.
raspberry_pi: Happy nostalgia noises
How do managers get stuck? (2017)
Laser Crown Shines At Night
askscience: AskScience AMA Series: I'm Gary Marcus, co-author of Rebooting AI with Ernest Davis....
GraalVM: The holy graal of polyglot JVM?
Richard Stallman Resigns From MIT
MeFi: Breaking Good
HamRadio: General Test Prep
gundeals: [Shotgun] Mossberg 590A1 - $369
science: The ozone layer is on track to completely repair itself in our lifetime.
WeWork parent pulls IPO following pushback: sources
Spouse of Ring Exec Among Lawmakers Trying To Weaken California Privacy Law
mycology: Southern Chile
Square wants to be a bank but not be taxed like one
MSVC's implementation of the C++ Standard Library
Richard M. Stallman resigns
Writing Characters Straight To The Linux Framebuffer
seedswap: I *have* wild paw paw seeds.
AskElectronics: how can i easily mux or overlay multiple composite video signals?
Milton's Notes On Shakespeare Appear To Have Been Found
TOR: paypal on tor
museum: John Singer Sargent - Clouds (1897)
AskElectronics: I'm new to altium, I don't understand part placement from digikey
Apple downloads ~45 TB of models per day from our S3 bucket
Against Against Pseudoaddiction
Richard Stallman resigns from CSAIL at MIT
Apple Takes On EU's Vestager In Record $14 Billion Tax Fight
CentOS 8 To Be Released Next Week
Drivers May Choose Electric Car Alert Sounds, US Proposal Says
seedswap: Looking to swap Cherry Blossom 23.04% CBD hemp flower seeds for some canna seeds.
ArtisanVideos: An artist films himself and his process of painting watercolor in a PBS style...
DataHoarder: 32 sata port motherboard monstrosity
RetroPie: Reicast test on RPI 4
Bottled Water Is Sucking Florida Dry
Este 17 de septiembre, Día de la Constitución de Estados Unidos, Snowden publica el libro...
Name Stone Helps You Greet Coworkers
Faster Wi-Fi Officially Launches Today
Blacksmith: New piece finished up! And my first time having a professional photo/edit of one...
Milton’s notes on Shakespeare appear to have been found
Australia’s 4G network is faster than 5G
Rustler is a library for writing Erlang NIFs in safe Rust code
Password-Leaking Bug Purged From LastPass Extensions
MIT Unveils New 'Blackest Black' Material and Makes a Diamond Disappear
TOR: Malicious entry nodes
HotPeppers: My harvest...don’t laugh
openwrt: What does Available 2017 mean on the hardware table?
ArtisanVideos: Making a Solenoid Boxer 4 Engine [19:55]
How prices changed at a Walmart in a year
100 million dollars to reshape the economics of the web
Facebook Advertisers Can Write Their Own Headlines For Shared News Stories
OpenBazaar: [Zokos] Want to quickly learn how your OpenBazaar sales are doing over time? Check...
Show HN: Create font in your own handwriting style
Linux Kernel 5.3
"Ecological grief" grips scientists witnessing Great Barrier Reef’s decline
New @Snowden book arrived and I've got major
Wow: …
Il est difficile d'imager signal plus fort pour le soft power de la France que d'accueillir...
Tonight, join us for an #11thHour exclusive as Brian talks to Edward @Snowden ahead of the...