When Your 11-Year-Old Says No to a Smartphone
Experts Warn World 'Grossly Unprepared' For Future Pandemics
DataHoarder: Help me save a Subreddit
Colt is ending production of AR-15s
RTLSDR: A crappy vertical on my gutter compared to 8 ele X-Yagi with tracking.
signalidentification: 15 Most interesting signals from field trip outside of NOAA/NASA Wallops...
Ex-Facebook engineer mocks the culture and jokes about how he was fired
British Cops Catch Shooter-Printing Villain
TOR: Orbot notifications - Where did the network activity go?
MachineLearning: [D] [P] I am rewriting Generative Deep Learning Book from David Foster in Pytorch
U.S. drone strike kills 30 pine nut farm workers in Afghanistan
Why I Prefer Functional Programming
Lectures in Quantitative Economics with Python [pdf]
EngineeringPorn: It’s like a Rube Goldberg machine that actually accomplishes something,...
Japan's Hayabusa 2 Targets Final Asteroid Landing
datasets: Grocery Prices Data? dataset/api/website to scrape
signalidentification: An android game about radio signal recognition
museum: Jean-Léon Gérôme - Truth Coming Out of Her Well (1896)
AI competitions don’t produce useful models
Moon Elevator Could Be Sooner Than You Think
hydro: I need advice
RetroPie: PlayStation 3 controller + WiiU Pro
Brazil’s Army Wanted to “Occupy” the Amazon Before. Leaked Audio Reveals Their Plan to...
HotPeppers: Today’s harvest.
Blacksmith: Y'know, it's stuff like this that makes me realize how badly I need a power hammer.
RetroPie: Has anyone found a pi 4 fan case that’s really quite?
The Mysterious Death of the Hacker Who Turned in Chelsea Manning
Silent Skies: Billions of North American Birds Have Vanished
A Gentle introduction to Kubernetes with more than just the basics
World's Most Destructive Botnet Returns With Stolen Passwords and Email In Tow
datasets: 69K Female Tinder pics (bout 4 gigs)
gundeals: [handgun] cz bren 2 5.56mm , $1700 plus shipping
Working with GitHub Actions
US takes 'richest nation on earth' crown from Switzerland
Rent control will make housing shortages worse
Would you let the CIA edit your life story? Full interview with @Snowden tonight at 11/10...
I think you guys are really going to like this one.
Tiny Vacuum Cleaner Sucks (In a Good Way)
Bill Gates: Don't Break Up Tech Giants, It Won't Stop Anticompetitive Behavior
science: Researchers got 2,700 college students from five countries to progressively narrow...
TIL that @Snowden disassembled his cell phone to remove the microphone so it can't continuously...
Authorities Consider Taking Legal Action Against Facebook Over Storm Area 51 Event
signalidentification: Strange Signal on 4902 kHz - 19 Sep 2019 21:30:00 UTC
openwrt: AliExpress gigabyte routers / switches
ArtisanVideos: 1890s' Most Unnecessarily Complicated Apple Peeler [Restoration]
OpenBazaar: Can’t backup account on Haven iOS
Challenges in Implementing a Full-Text-Search Engine
Google Wing Launching US Drone Deliveries with FedEx, Walgreens
The U.S. economy is growing and using less and less stuff to do so
China Detains Former U.S. Air Force Pilot Flying for FedEx
Instagram's Opioid Recovery Hashtags Are Full of Drug Dealers
Two Years Later, Hackers Are Still Breaching Local Government Payment Portals
MeFi: To every warrior, their Valhalla.
MachineLearning: [N] xBD Building Damage Dataset (+550k Annotations/+19k sq km) Available for...
gundeals: [Rifle] Tikka T3x Stainless Steel - $498.99 IN STORE ONLY (.308, .270, .30-06, 6.5...
datasets: Dataset on payment behaviours?
gundeals: [parts] $159 PSA folding ak brace
RTLSDR: An android game about radio signal recognition
AskElectronics: Trying to drive a 5cm oscilloscope crt, please help
Launch HN: Sparkswap (YC S18) – Buy Bitcoin Instantly over the Lightning Network
Analog Gauges Keep An Eye On Computer Performance
Vaping Criminal Probe Announced By FDA As Illnesses Rise To 530
HotPeppers: Everyone likes JPGS but about the regular old Peach Bhut Jolokia?
Havana syndrome: Exposure to neurotoxin may have been cause, study suggests
we are all #Snowden - @Snowden thank
Alphabet Partners With FedEx, Walgreens To Bring Drone Delivery To the US
YouTube Creators May Lose Verified Badges As Verification Process Becomes Stricter
MeFi: The Internet Relies on People Working for Free
Google Makes the Largest Ever Corporate Purchase of Renewable Energy
HotPeppers: No garden? No excuse! Part 4. (Final form!)
raspberry_pi: Low profile heatsinks I designed. Benchmarks coming soon.
Airbnb Announces Intention to Become a Publicly-Traded Company During 2020
Overstock Has Had a Wild Week
Hospital Plans to “Use the Transferring of Critically-Ill Premature Infants” to Paint Nurses...
Riding The Nostalgia Train With A 6502 From The Ground Up
North America Has Lost 3 Billion Birds in 50 Years
AT&T Says Customers Can't Sue the Company For Selling Location Data To Bounty Hunters
HotPeppers: This is what an hour of charapita picking looks like... 130g btw
darknetplan: TIL about a mesh network that kept residents connected during Hurricane Sandy
esp8266: The Spelliterally 1.0 the esp8266 version is a live :) now I can use a web browser...
Tesla earns its first-ever safety award from IIHS for Model 3
LLVM 9.0.0 Release
Birds Are Vanishing from North America
Silicon Valley is terrified of California’s privacy law. Good
Apple's iOS 13 Just Launched But iOS 13.1, iPadOS Arrive Next Week
WikiLeaks: I am Julian Assange - And here's why
MachineLearning: [N] Google starts AI research lab in Bangalore, India
Huawei Mate 30 phones launch without Google apps
Amazon orders 100K electric delivery trucks from Rivian
Purdue Pharma Hired PR Firm That Rebranded BP After Deepwater Horizon Spill
Pew Pew in the Palm of Your Hand
Downloading Stays Legal, No Site Blocking, Swiss Copyright Law Says
How the Internet Archive is Waging War on Misinformation
Stripe Joins Silicon Valley Elite with $35B Valuation
"Some people have a misconception that I set out to burn down the NSA," @Snowden says. "But...
EPA Allowed Companies to Make 40 New PFAS Chemicals Despite Serious Risks
Pictorial Guide to the Unofficial Electronic Badges of DEF CON 27
Amazon's 'Climate Pledge' Commits To Net Zero Carbon Emissions By 2040 and 100% Renewables by 2030
openwrt: Openwrt on x86_64