Despite climate change promises, governments plan to ramp up fossil fuel production
Queen Elizabeth has canceled a trip to Northern Ireland on the advice of her doctors
Know Audio: It All Depends On The DAC
Carbon-neutrality is a tale: the race for renewables is burning Europe's forests
En Afghanistan, les talibans doivent tenir leurs engagements pour être reconnus à l’étranger,...
En RDC, la tête de la commission électorale entre les mains de Félix Tshisekedi
AskEngineers: Field Engineers - How do you stay organized in a world where big last minute...
lasercutting: I raise everyone here. Show me your lasers.
hobbycnc: I'm really excited about this new open source firmware: FluidNC!
KiCad Team Releases Warning Regarding Domain Name
Google, Mozilla Close to Finalizing Sanitizer API for Chrome and Firefox Browse
When I had an outburst during the Y Combinator interview
Le prix Sakharov 2021 décerné à l’opposant russe Alexeï Navalny
science: COVID-19 conspiracy theories thrive on social media platforms *except* Twitter. While...
raspberry_pi: Price increase on RPi 4B (2GB)
ZeroWaste: Interesting and practical concept - and yes, they're biodegradable and food safe!
FreeCAD: Did a Beginners Video on Practical FreeCAD modeling for 3D printing
New FCC Rules Could Force Wireless Carriers To Block Spam Texts
Facebook is planning to rebrand the company with a new name
museum: Wayne Thiebaud - Pie Rows (1961)
esp8266: Esp8266 with 28BYJ-48
Spinning Threads Put the Bite on Filament in This Novel Extruder Design
Démission surprise de Jens Weidmann, le président de la Bundesbank, sur fond d’incertitude...
Textbook Rental Scam
progmetal: Altesia - Sleep Paralysis
Student loan forgiveness is a lot closer for some borrowers, and they are pumped
Simple Linux kernel memory corruption bug can lead to complete system compromise
Avoid all links to – Use
Optimizations Enabled by -ffast-Math
Amazon warehouse employee in Poland dies at work
Tarek Bitar, le juge modèle qui dérange les caciques libanais
Eruption spectaculaire du volcan Aso, l’un des plus surveillés du Japon
Recycled Lithium Batteries As Good As Newly Mined, Study Finds
Worn-out nurses hit the road for better pay, stressing hospital budgets — and morale
Netflix employees are staging a walkout today as a fired organizer speaks out
Bombing hits military bus in Syrian capital, killing more than a dozen people
Long-term NAEP scores for 13-year-olds drop for first time since testing began
L’éviction du rédacteur en chef de « Bild » secoue les médias allemands
Le dernier tir de missile par la Corée du Nord refroidit les initiatives diplomatiques
L’Europe se divise sur l’élargissement du marché du carbone
Comment le pouvoir iranien étouffe les cas de violences contre les femmes
En Jordanie, l’avenir en pointillé des réfugiés syriens
Comment la Grande-Bretagne compte atteindre la neutralité carbone en 2050
Pour réduire les pesticides, le Parlement européen réclame des objectifs contraignants
Le président tchèque Milos Zeman menacé de perdre le pouvoir
Sur l’esplanade des Mosquées à Jérusalem, des prières juives potentiellement explosives
Erevan et Bakou bataillent devant la Cour internationale de justice
AskEngineers: Did I ruin my career by moving into supervisory roles?
raspberry_pi: Pi 4 running multiple applications at once
Brazil Senate report will urge charges against President Bolsonaro over the pandemic
Audio Tape Interface Revives Microcassettes as Storage Medium
« Je n’exclus rien » : en Côte d’Ivoire, Laurent Gbagbo entretient le flou sur ses...
En Syrie, un attentat à la bombe fait au moins quatorze morts à Damas
Deux anciens soldats allemands soupçonnés d’avoir voulu créer un groupe terroriste ont...
CNC: Because I havent seen anyone else post about running similar material, I wanted to share...
Teachers and civil rights groups sue over Oklahoma's ban on critical race theory
Single sign-on: What we learned during our identity alpha
Five U.S. lawmakers accuse Amazon of possibly lying to Congress
En Inde et au Népal, au moins 116 morts dans des inondations et des glissements de terrain
Le Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU en mission au Sahel pour réclamer un pouvoir civil au Mali
functionalprint: Planetary Telescope
Before the New Version, Let's Revisit 1984's Dune
New Optical Switch Up to 1000x Faster Than Transistors
Flickering Jack o’ Lantern Is An Easy Beginner Build
Brave Search replaces Google as default search engine in the Brave browser
AskEngineers: Work Self vs Other Self [US]
EngineeringPorn: Iron Man 2.0
US Surgeons Successfully Test Pig Kidney Transplant In Human Patient
Migrants : « La condamnation qui frappe Domenico Lucano est lourde, exagérée et hors normes »
Covid-19 au Brésil : Jair Bolsonaro accusé de crimes intentionnels par une commission ...
science: A decade after gene therapy, children born with deadly immune disorder remain healthy
esp8266: Does anybody know of a jig to flash a TYWE2L?
MediaSynthesis: The Ascent
science: Johns Hopkins Medicine Receives First Federal Grant for Psychedelic Treatment Research...
Boris Johnson Strikes Deal With Bill Gates To Boost Green Technology
You shouldn't invoke directly
Is the world economy entering a wage-price spiral?
« En s’éloignant du soutien au secteur privé, les autorités chinoises risquent de tuer...
« Mourir pour Taïwan ? C’est très loin, Taïwan. A l’OTAN, les Européens n’ont...
openwrt: Which RPI 4 for Openwrt
moderatepolitics: Biden tells House Democrats tuition-free community college is out of economic...
Netflix Drops Action-Packed Teaser For 'Cowboy Bebop' Series
Sign Detects RF to Show You are on the Air
Les talibans à l’offensive pour briser leur isolement diplomatique
A Gaza, de l’art d’obtenir un permis de sortir de l’enclave sous blocus
museum: Albert Bierstadt - Valley of the Yosemite (1864)
raspberry_pi: Running a pi 4 with a battery back.
esp32: Recommendation for 5.0" TFT Display with Touch panel
hobbycnc: First day carving and I made a thing
Microsoft Officially Deprecates UWP
Steve Bannon: Lawmakers vote to hold ex-Trump aide in contempt
Southwest Airlines will keep workers on the jobs who apply for vaccination exemptions
Version Control for Structure Editing
Overly analytical guide to escorting
A Bruxelles, des expatriées françaises regardent d’en haut leur pays d’origine
moderatepolitics: Not one arrest made in Portland riots a week after ‘anarchists’ caused...
esp32: Halloween Light Show: Cheshire Cat Apartment Building - Details in comments
Monero: People do seem to care about privacy after all. My recent post in r/cc on privacy had...
The New MacBook Pro Seems To Have an HDMI 2.0 Port, Not 2.1