esp32: 5V sensors for esp32??
MediaSynthesis: 60 Minutes: How synthetic media, or deepfakes, could soon change our world...
esp32: ESP32 Crypto Ticker
MeFi: On 'on background'
functionalprint: Designed and printed a custom adapter for MAF sensor to use the stock airbox.
ZeroWaste: How silly would I look bringing this to the bulk section? It’s the most practical...
AskElectronics: What is the purpose of adding the capacitors and resistors in parallel to these...
Glitchy GTA Re-Release Still Unplayable on PC, Said to Contain Infamous 'Hot Coffee' Mini-Game
AskEngineers: What is the best piece of advice you've gotten from a non engineer coworker and why?
science: Foreskin Found To Be Extraordinarily Innervated Sensory Tissue in Recent Histological...
esp32: Esp32 jinx led matrix
France Expands Open Source Use, Seeking Interoperability, 'Digital Sovereignty', and 'Democratic...
postmarketOS: Fairphone 4
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