ArtisanVideos: Vintage clips of various British bakers and their techniques from British Pathé...
seedswap: Have: perennial vegetable and uncommon herb seeds. Looking for other vegetable/herb seeds
datasets: Refinitiv Eikon Datastream stock prices differences in monthly and daily data. (CAPM...
The 555 Timer Contest Returns!
science: Study: Women were more likely to prefer a STEM major if they were raised in smaller...
esp32: ESP32Webradio
Monero: Unique attire to wear.
AskEngineers: I'll be a graduate of mechanical engineering in a year but I don't want it as...
hobbycnc: Christmas gift making time! Still learning the accel/speed rates. Next one will be faster.
RTLSDR: rtl_sdr output to redsea
esp32: ESP-32 stress test
Migrants dans la Manche : la justice à la recherche d’informations pour identifier les corps
MediaSynthesis: The Silent God