esp8266: how do i access this to program is and what IO pins are on the other 3 pin terminal
Monero: The MAGIC Monero Fund has received its first donation of 200 XMR from an anonymous donor!
En Arabie saoudite, Emmanuel Macron renoue avec Mohammed Ben Salman, trois ans après le meurtre...
CNC: Shit show
CNC: LinuxCNC - is it possible to cut good threads with only index sensor on a cnc lathe? (1ppr...
CNC: Well, guys and gals I've been officially spending too much time looking at your beautiful...
moderatepolitics: Chris Cuomo Fired From CNN After Investigation of Involvement in Brother...
science: Omicron patients in the U.S. have displayed mild to moderate symptoms. As of Saturday,...
esp8266: ESP Week - 48, 2021
ZeroWaste: A little Saturday humor. Last of the leaves here will likely be coming down in the...
esp32: ESP01 DC UPS & USB2TTL board, originally designed for a customer to control led strips...
AskElectronics: Need help to find the reference of the components on the left and the connector...
EngineeringPorn: We got this rad, German engineered Xmas tree stand called the Krinner Tree...
Covid-19 : en Autriche, des dizaines de milliers de manifestants contre le confinement partiel...
lasercutting: Is there a better way to glue two piece of acrylic together? More info in comment
science: Scientists at Australia's Monash University claim to have made a critical breakthrough...