Too long light ray symbols
Monero: Let 2022 be a year of withdrawal all your funds from Large centralised exchanges like...
worldnews: James Webb Space Telescope unfurls massive sunshield in major deployment milestone
La Commission européenne dévoile un projet classant les investissements dans le nucléaire...
science: People strongly favour a fairer and more sustainable way of life in the wake of the...
blender: Happy new year!
blender: spinning rainbow
Beyond Traning a Model, same result after changing learning rates and number of epoch [closed]
How does Deep Reinforcement Learning remove the need to map or explore every state, action...
How can one specify fixed number of interleaved items for training, validation and test set...
hobbycnc: Help finding a solenoid for my air blast/mist setup where my current one is leaking vacuum
blender: Blener
Music Video - Modern Siren
MIDI on Blender
science: Patients hospitalized with Covid-19 who had a combination of high blood pressure,...
Adobe Substance discussion
Hard Ops Thread
CyclesX Jade material
Pixel Art Renderer
Link from The Legend of Zelda
Wall-e test renders