blender: Gollum WIP with Cycles - I know I want to make the model a little better still and...
gardening: Update: I listened! Heres my spruced up wildflower patch (before pic at the end)....
programming: Legendary Dutch computer scientist Edsger W Dijkstra famously remarked that “testing...
MeFi: Micromouse
MeFi: I Enjoy Being A Girl
SocialEngineering: The Mere Exposure Effect: How to Make People Like You (Even If You Think...
The Apple Silicon That Never Was
compsci: Developer Chatrooms
hackers: Cyber fraud
hackers: Cyber fraud
Determining the Optimal Approach for Fine-tuning a Pre-trained Neural Network on Images of...
nature: Rare Wolverine Spotted In The Eastern Sierra Nevada Region Marking The Second Sighting...
Need Help! Bihler Mach05
nature: More than 800m Amazon trees felled in six years to meet beef demand | Amazon rainforest
worldnews: Chinese warship nearly hits U.S. destroyer in Taiwan Strait during joint Canada-U.S....
business: Student Loan Resumption Could Stifle Up To $5 Billion of Consumer Spending A Month
ChatGPT is Already Taking Jobs
Export image from nodes
SocialEngineering: As scientific methodologies take over the domain of philosophical inquiry...
OSINT: Duolingo OSINT tool
Software Driving Hardware
Guerre en Ukraine, en direct : au moins deux personnes tuées dans des bombardements à Belgorod
ReverseEngineering: GitHub - wader/fq: jq for binary formats - tool, language and decoders...
amateurradio: 2m interference
blender: After 3 and a half donut tutorials I made this, it’s not finished yet but I feel...