nature: Activists take Canada’s environment minister to court in fight to save northern spotted...
worldnews: Cuba Agrees to Host Chinese Spy Base That Would Allow Beijing to Intercept U.S....
gardening: Red. Handed.
Physics: GRB 221009A: Unveiling Unprecedented Space Explosion Caused by Structured Jet from...
Eye lattice with blenrig
Vacuum holding power
Vertex age
Vacuum holding power
privacy: Warning: Lemmy (federated reddit clone) doesn't care about your privacy, everything...
worldnews: Wagner mercenaries tortured me and stole tanks from the Russian army, captured ...
En Afghanistan, onze morts et trente blessés dans un attentat aux funérailles d’un gouverneur
Physics: Quantum parametric resonance: Wigner distributions, density matrices, and entanglement...
Filling cartoons greasepencil