nature: Gotten into the habit of taking a walk daily and meditate outside (30-45 min. usually)....
business: How China Came to Dominate the World in Solar Energy
programming: Build time is a collective responsibility
Ask MeFi: Super human learning and organization
Obfuscated C 8080 Emulator Ported
The "Reitoff principle": Why you should add "nothing" to your work-life schedule
Marimo: Interactive Fluffy Ball
Belgique : des fusillades à Bruxelles font deux morts
Elections européennes : l’essayiste Malika Sorel-Sutter rejoint le Rassemblement national
ANN Fuel Consumption Prediction Model
cryptography: Find a book
europe: Kyiv, Lviv under Russian air attack; missile violates Polish airspace
netsec: Bootfuzz: MBR-based Fuzzer
What is ISIS-K, the group that claims it carried out the Moscow concert attack?
It's easy to tune out politics. Biden's campaign is using an app to get around that
Korean food gets a Michelin-starred makeover in Seoul restaurants
En Slovaquie, l’élection présidentielle se transforme en référendum sur la politique...
En direct, attentat près de Moscou : la Russie observe dimanche une journée de deuil national,...
Physics: Why does math describe our universe so well?
privacy: Should I give my password to the repair shop?
I will NEVER add such a privacy breaking a**hole feature
What Happens to Google Maps When Tectonic Plates Move?
Oxide Cloud Computer. No Cables. No Assembly. Just Cloud
« N’intentons pas de faux procès pour antisémitisme à la volée afin de détourner les...
En direct, guerre en Ukraine : « tous les systèmes de défense aérienne » activés en...
europe: Happiness rank for people under 30
nasa: NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope is on Unsplash
europe: Hungarian government only one to vote against EU law on transparency in political ...
Nearly 300 abducted Nigerian schoolchildren freed after over two weeks in captivity
It’s Never Been Easier To Build A WiFi-Controlled RC Car
worldnews: Pro-Palestinian nurses eject Jewish boy from hospital bed, UK trust to probe - report
worldnews: Ukraine war: Kyiv hit by multiple explosions in Russian bombardment
Paris 2024 : « Les Ukrainiens ont gagné la bataille de la Seine »
compsci: Seeking Recommendations for Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms Learning Resources...
linux: Kooha 2.3 is now released!
Des Assad à Nétanyahou, la destruction des villes arabes
En direct, attentat près de Moscou : la Russie observe dimanche une journée de deuil national
OSINT: Finding out if companies buy fake reviews
HomeImprovement: I had to move across the country and am basically starting over my battery...
Permaculture: can this go here or not
blender: Drawing height maps by hand!
Art: Cyborg, Factory_Supervisor, POSCA pens on 16 x 20" canvas, 2024
Physics: How does the universe compute itself?
Interactive Cake Takes Your Picture
Elections européennes : Raphaël Glucksmann tente de s’immiscer dans le match entre Renaissance...
Hi I'm new here help
amateurradio: Worked a little suburban portable QRP this afternoon.
europe: Putin must now realise he's been fighting the wrong war
En direct, guerre en Ukraine : attaques aériennes russes sur Kiev et la région de Lviv
Mitra Hejazipour, championne d’échecs : « J’ai porté le voile à l’âge de 5 ans,...
Présidentielle : les Sénégalais face à un choix de société inédit
Problem caused by FP16 group quantization on vit-tiny
cryptography: Can you use something like zk-snark to remove the need for a distributed ledger...
technology: Alaska Airlines 737 MAX 9 passengers may be crime victims: FBI
Reverse DNS IPv4 Map
Linux Crisis Tools
Zoom Without Freezing
Rendering issues using motion blur + child of constraint
Ambient Occlusion of Transparent Shaders
nature: Newborn great white shark caught on film for first time?
gardening: I had three beers for lunch, and went to a road side nursery. .... now what
Clever E-Ink Driver Does 32 Levels of Grey, Avoids Update Flicker, And More
New Aztec Codices Discovered: The Codices of San Andrés Tetepilco
Slovaquie : un libéral pro-Ukraine et un proche du pouvoir, pro-Russie, au second tour de...
worldnews: Zelensky says Putin seeking ways to divert blame for concert massacre near Moscow
Cancer under age 50 increased 80% from 1990 to 2019
Why can't you make an exact copy of a particle system anymore?
netsec: GitHub - ZephrFish/ChunkyIngress: Chunking Text Ingress
Python: What’s a script that you’ve written that you still use frequently?
The man in the iron lung: How Paul Alexander lived life to the full
Need help installing K Cycles in Blender
OSINT: dnstwist - interesting typosquatting tool
gardening: The season is upon us
Physics: 2nd law of thermodynamics.
MeFi: The fish doorbell
Building A Tribute Version of Mattel’s VertiBird Toy
Fundamentals of Object Storage in Elixir
The Intel 8088 processor's instruction prefetch circuitry: a look inside
Show HN: Rotary Phone Project
Brésil : une tempête fait au moins onze morts
Parallax effect that isn't disjointed by UV orientation
A procedural way to make this architechtural bridge detail
worldnews: Moscow attack: Putin says all four suspects arrested after 133 killed at concert hall
nasa: Does Chandra require 200+ people to operate?
Google will start showing AI-powered search results for users who didn't opt-in
Elections européennes : Les Républicains lancent leur campagne et chargent le camp Macron
Venezuela : l’opposition dénonce un « blocage » l’empêchant d’inscrire sa candidate...
SymPy - Can't calculate derivative wrt expression, is there an alternative for intermediate...
How to limit the impact of Geometry proximity node?
blender: Crushing Glass Bottles Simulation
hacking: Hackers earn $1,132,500 for 29 zero-days at Pwn2Own Vancouver
Physics: Initial Length’s Affect On Non Ideal Springs
Bertie – A minimal, high-assurance implementation of TLS 1.3 written in hacspec
Show HN: Lapdev, a new open-source remote dev environment management software
My world shader here is producing a white background, how do I make it black?
Cubic mapping for fractal textures?
HomeImprovement: Hyperinsulated a 1960's cinderblock house in Sun City (Phoenix). Saving 2/3...
technology: Some nervous travelers are changing their flights to avoid Boeing airplanes.
blender: Why does Penis just flip around when applying goal to the softbody simulation?
amateurradio: Built this mains filter to reduce conducted noise