Permaculture: As a person living a fast paced sales lifestyle, I just had a nice long weekend,...
Help wanted Plzz
Sketch Up to Blender
blender: 3D Artist Gmadador has reimagined Howard Hamlin's final scene from Better Call Saul...
privacy: Discord to start showing ads in the coming week after resisting for almost a decade
worldnews: Hamas document reveals it hides casualties, blames failed rocket launches on Israel
Ask HN: What Are You Learning?
compsci: Survey: Cybersecurity talent acquisition and retainment in the Department of Defe...
hackers: Quick tip: Make sure you create a journal of any VM breaches you do, (IF ITS LEGAL.)...
3D Printing Computer Space
worldnews: Nearly 30% of South Korean students overweight, with more binge drinking than before
worldnews: 5-year Havana Syndrome investigation finds new evidence linked to Russian intelligence...
Le Hamas présente ses excuses aux Gazaouis pour les souffrances causées par la guerre contre...
OSINT: Any useful tools?
En Turquie, Erdogan essuie un désaveu cinglant avec la large victoire de l’opposition aux...
Geonode get convex hull of plane
Frugal: I Calculated Which Foods I Eat Are Highest/Lowest Cost per Calorie and Most/Least ...
hacking: Copy car gate tag?
linux: Discussion Thread: Linux Server is a solved problem. Linux Desktop is an unsolved problem.
privacy: OpenAI holds back public release of tech that can clone someone's voice in 15 seconds...
business: Can Boeing be trusted again? What steps can the biggest name in aviation take to...
Ross Anderson
Baking hair on to a normal map
Physics: Is there a way to generate reliable data of the viscosity term in a 2D Darcy's flow?
Hackaday Links: March 31, 2024
En direct, guerre en Ukraine : Moscou menace la France d’un boycott de ses produits après...
gardening: First Raised Bed