how is the derivative of the loss function wrt to the inputs in final layer equals to y_tr...
Javier Milei et Jair Bolsonaro affichent leur complicité lors de la convention des ultrac...
Python: Self-hosted webscraper
technology: After 41 years Microsoft quietly adds spellchecking and autocorrect to Windows Notepad
gardening: Removed our big lawn for a pollinator garden, meadow garden and redid the remaining...
Narendra Modi en visite à Moscou pour la première fois depuis le début de la guerre en Ukraine
amateurradio: New HAM!
privacy: Facetune changed their ToS. They’re an Israeli company and they did the same thing...
Hackaday Links: July 7, 2024
Blender doesn't autosave
amateurradio: Thank you to all the organizers and operators involved in the 13 Colonies Special...
blender: Would you?
business: Pinterest is running bots for paid clicks? I spent $1000 and here is the stat (+my...
New Battery Has no Anode
Evee Next black screen
Why is this not realistic