worldnews: Missile attack on Ukraine: Biden's administration discusses whether to allow strikes...
Going Ham Mobile on a Bicycle
En direct, guerre en Ukraine : Joe Biden promet « des nouvelles mesures pour renforcer la...
hacking: 1.4 GB NSA Data Leaked Online – Email Address, Phone Number & Gov Classified Data Exposed
linux: My gf drew me a Tux!! :)
europe: Twice in my life I walked around Krakow with a camera. On 28th of June, 2009 and on...
linux: nmbl (no more boot loader): Red Hat's idea to use the Linux kernel as its own bootloader
amateurradio: Would I have problems if my mag loop gets wet in the rain? Would it be ok to...
MeFi: Yoko and the Beatles
worldnews: White House believes Russian strike on Okhmatdyt hospital must be investigated as...
technology: More than 2 million in Houston without power | CenterPoint is asking customers...
MeFi: Lies of Girls and Women
Number Line Branch