Project image through camera?
compsci: Does transport layer provide socket to socket connection or process to process connection?
MeFi: Belief is not Knowledge
Au sommet de l’OTAN, Emmanuel Macron revient « au centre de la photo » pendant trente-six...
Présidentielle américaine : Joe Biden, de plus en plus contesté, réaffirme vouloir « finir...
En direct, guerre en Ukraine : la France propose son aide pour reconstruire l’hôpital pour...
Jerome Charyn, romancier : « La Cour suprême, qui rêve de couronner Trump, a sans le vouloir...
programming: Toit is a modern high-level language designed specifically for microcontrollers
Python: I've created a celebrity trivia game in Flask that uses information from their Wiki...
worldnews: Russian Pilot Betrays Colleagues Who Attacked Ohmatdyt Children’s Hospital in Kyiv
nasa: NASA's Ames Research Center has developed a model that uses machine learning and quantum...
Permaculture: Let’s Evaluate Poor Proles Recent Critique: “Permaculture lacks an iterative...
cryptography: Anyone know a good way to prove a vector is a sub-lattice for Dense Sub-Lattice...
amateurradio: SKYWARN
Python: Are there any byte code debuggers out there have visibility into values on the stack?
Build Your Own Hydroelectric Dam
En direct, guerre en Ukraine : la France continuera « d’appuyer l’Ukraine aussi longtemps...
Assign multiple materials
OSINT: Tracing and Recovery
MeFi: Hedging, with pipe
Boolean - hardops and boxcutter