How would I model a beaded necklace?
radiocontrol: Recent build, 2.8m / ~9.2 ft
SocialEngineering: How do you social engineer a narcissist?
Animals at the Phoenix Zoo enjoy ice in the extreme heat
The Paris Olympics have almost arrived. Here's what to watch for
Can Biden delegates votes for Harris?
The head of the Secret Service hears from angry lawmakers on Capitol Hill
A Navy pilot becomes the first woman aviator to kill an air-to-air contact in combat
Democratic and Independent voters in swing states weigh in on Biden stepping aside
A Phoenix group is offering IV rehydration for unhoused people who get too dehydrated
France’s snap elections made the far-left and the far-right stronger than ever
A scientist in Belize hopes bats can galvanize locals to protect their forests
Body cam footage released of deputy fatally shooting Illinois woman
A Gentle Introduction to SAML
Maestro: Netflix's Workflow Orchestrator
Copying is the way design works
Exporting a character from Blender into Maya
How do I create a face from multiple seperate vertices in geo nodes (like pressing F in edit mode)
SocialEngineering: Fun Social Engineering Stories
worldnews: Mexico City police chief shot dead in 'drug cartel hit'
gardening: Planted some extra dill to keep the caterpillars away from our other herbs. Didn’t...
nature: ‘Dark oxygen’ in depths of Pacific Ocean could force rethink about origins of life
MeFi: Five year prison sentence for attending a Zoom call.
Lawmakers call on Secret Service boss to resign
As Harris launches her presidential run, the veepstakes is on. Here's who to watch
Bluetooth Printer works with AppleTalk
Microsoft: Linux Is the Top Operating System on Azure Today
Kawaii – A Keychain-Sized Nintendo Wii
En direct, présidentielle américaine : après le retrait de Joe Biden, Kamala Harris engrange...
En direct, guerre en Ukraine : plusieurs bombardements russes dans les oblasts de Kharkiv,...
Align extruded edge to corner
Bevel not beveling
Set "Export Selection Only" as default for .stl
How to deform a animated character similar to this?
4.2 Addons/Extensions Completely Blank
SocialEngineering: How did a person learn to "Social engineer" another person before social...
compsci: data compression as viewed from a physics perspective
privacy: Hopefully I have the right forum~ Help I work from home on my own PC- my employers...
Physics: It bothers me for weeks. Should a plate heat less if we tilt it under light rays?
technology: The workers have spoken: They're staying home.
Kamala Harris: From prosecutor to possible president
JD Vance vows to fight for ‘forgotten communities’ in hometown rally
Hunter Biden drops lawsuit against Fox, while network scores separate court victory
How fast can a human possibly run 100 meters?
Audapolis: Edit audio files by transcript, not waveform
Aux Etats-Unis, les incendies se multiplient dans l’Ouest, frappé par une vague de chaleur
worldnews: German spy agency 'too short-staffed to deal with threats from Russia and other states'
worldnews: France to give 24-hour protection to Israeli Olympics team amid Gaza tensions
amateurradio: Excited To See This In The Mail
gardening: What happened to my zucchini?
worldnews: US B-52 Bombers Land for First Time Ever at NATO Main Eastern Air Base in Romania
Art: Capturing Stillness, Jono Dry, Pencil on Paper, 2024
A Throne for LEGO Baron Harkonnen
Scientists discover a new hormone that can build strong bones
How much money we can raise for transparently idiotic startups?
The workers have spoken: They're staying home
Vidéo. Joe Biden : le récit de son retrait de la course à la Maison Blanche
worldnews: Russia gathering forces in Kharkiv Oblast for fresh attacks, military says
Art: California Poppies, Jim Musil (Me), Acrylic, 2024
gardening: It's the most... wonderful time... of the year!
netsec: Inside Doppelganger – How Russia uses EU companies for its propaganda
MeFi: &$!#%
Biden's legacy of accomplishment is unmatched - Harris
Physicist, 98, honoured with doctorate 75 years after groundbreaking discovery
Brr Wants a Job
Canadair va vendre douze bombardiers d’eau à l’Europe
Eevee Next in 4.2 is super smeary!
Where is Intersecting Edges In mesh boolean in Blender 4.2?
OSINT: A tool that can transcribe a YouTube video that has no auto generated captions
compsci: Real examples of LLM producing copy-write code
amateurradio: Help me build an Air band directional antenna
Donald Trump has donated to Kamala Harris twice, but she didn't keep the money
Small Mammals Appear To Have A Secret Infrared Sense
French Acrobatic Artist’s Low-Gravity Invention
Eza: A modern, maintained replacement for ls
Show HN: A Source Available billing system I've spent 18 months building
En direct, présidentielle américaine : Kamala Harris célèbre le bilan de Joe Biden, « sans...
En direct, guerre en Ukraine : plusieurs bombardements russes dans les oblasts de Kharkiv,...
Tentative d’assassinat de Donald Trump : le Secret Service a « échoué » dans sa mission...
Permaculture: What else would you do here?
gardening: This tomato growing out of a burger king is looking better than some of the ones...
compsci: Help Needed: Fill Out Our Anonymous Psychology Survey!
Physics: Control of light–matter interactions in two-dimensional materials with nanopart...
technology: Accidentally exposed yellowish-green crystals reveal ‘mind-blowing’ finding...
Python: Mypy 1.11 Released
programming: My favourite Win 3 gem: How the 'ignore' button worked in application errors
What's possible when the arts belong to everybody | Lear deBessonet with Brian Stokes Mitchell
NBA superstar James named USA's Olympic flagbearer
Harris raises $50m after Biden's exit from presidential race
The last days of the Biden campaign – BBC correspondent’s account
Potential rivals to Harris for president line up to endorse her
Making a Solid State 6AK8 Tube
Let's blame the dev who pressed "Deploy"
« Barbouzeries autour du PSG » : l’ex-majordome de Nasser Al-Khelaïfi mis en examen
Guerre Israël-Hamas, jour 289 : Israël annonce la mort de deux autres otages à Gaza ;...
Le Maroc s’offre deux satellites israéliens de dernière génération pour 1 milliard de dollars
Haircards tutorials?
Art: Still life with a cut pear, Andrey Boris (me), canvas & tempera, 2020
technology: China Social Media Embraces Trump After Harris Steps Into Race
Frugal: Frugal to a fault? Has it cost your kid friends?