She never thought she'd work for Kamala Harris. Now, she considers her a mentor
LightBurn Turns Back the Clock, Bails on Linux Users
Is a 'slow' swimming pool impeding world records?
Object reflection on watersim in post-production?
Baking and exporting multiple animations at once for game engine use
SocialEngineering: Pieces of information you might give away unintentionally. Or collect..
HomeImprovement: Contractor drove a 4000lb skid steer over sewage line
nasa: NASA’s DART Mission Sheds New Light on Target Binary Asteroid System - NASA Science
cryptography: Cryptography Tutor
Moment wrongfully jailed man released after 34 years
Ex-US Green Beret held over raid to oust Venezuela leader
Troubled Boeing names new boss for 'next chapter'
Canada police thwart alleged terror plot in Toronto
Trump on Harris: 'Is she Indian or is she black?'
Sex, money, social media - how VP contenders are vetted
Trump attacks Kamala Harris’ racial identity at Black journalism convention
Olympic sharpshooter's 'Matrix'-inspired style turns heads in Paris
U.K. police open criminal investigation into Washington Post publisher
Jeff Bezos' management rules are slowly unraveling inside Amazon
Meta Has Run Hundreds of Ads for Cocaine, Opioids and Other Drugs
Stop Destroying Videogames – European Citizens' Initiative
How can I avoid Python overflow in pytorch tensors? EDIT: A tensor insiede softmax function...
Solved! Wireframe shows in solid mode at this a bug? Blender 4.2
Use watersim render for 2 objects in post-production?
Art: An Important Call, Jason, Digital, 2024
amateurradio: Teacher climbed to place rope in a flagpole
hacking: USA 2024: Breaking Into Chips By Reading The Datasheet
worldnews: Victorian mother jailed for forcing daughter to marry man who murdered her six weeks...
hackers: Helpful Commands - Linux
worldnews: Iran Raises Red Flag Of Revenge
The Federal Reserve is getting closer to cutting interest rates
In the Olympic men’s gymnastics individual all-around, the U.S. strikes out
A Norwegian swimmer's love affair with chocolate muffins may be winning the Olympics
Bird flu cases among farm workers may be going undetected, a study suggests
FLOSS Weekly Episode 794: Release Them All with JReleaser
How great was the Great Oxidation Event?
Nicolas Maduro déclaré vainqueur de l’élection présidentielle au Venezuela : la communauté...
Annoying auto save, renaming adding date as prefix, in Blender 4.2
Export image for external Texture painting - with islands
Wireframe shows in solid mode at this a bug? Blender 4.2
privacy: Privacy is hard and I absolutely hate it.
compsci: Annotation Vocabulary (Might Be) All You Need
Art: Island Village, Aurumek (me), Procreate, 2024
technology: 'A cesspool': Laid-off California tech workers are sick to death of LinkedIn
Art: Kitty portrait,theladywolfheart,coloured pencils on pastelmat,2024
The United States has become the first country to win 3,000 Olympic medals
FakeTraveler: Fake where your phone is located (Mock location for Android)
I prefer rST to Markdown
Exam Numbers
Deux journalistes d’Al-Jazira tués dans une frappe israélienne à Gaza
Soldats, civils, élus : les rencontres quotidiennes de Volodymyr Zelensky
Sculpt model texture
How to make EEVEE hair look good?
programming: Google pulls Uno Reverse card: Rolls back decision to kill third-party cookies
netsec: MITMing the Xbox 360 Dashboard for Fun and RCE
MeFi: The perils of starting a business
North and South Korean athletes share an Olympic podium — and take a selfie
Delta's CEO says the CrowdStrike outage cost the airline $500 million in 5 days
Illinois bans companies from forcing workers to listen to their anti-union talk
Divers Discover Mesmerizing Roman Mosaic Beneath the Sea
Construction of the AT&T Long Lines "Cheshire" underground site
Why the CrowdStrike bug hit banks hard
En direct, mort du leader du Hamas, Ismaïl Haniyeh, à Téhéran : réunion d’urgence du...
En direct, guerre en Ukraine : plus d’un an après l’accord des Etats-Unis pour leur ...
Moving Keyframed Animations
worldnews: Russia to train troops to use nuclear weapons on the battlefield
blender: Amazing retopology animation
worldnews: Hungary blocks EU bid for unified statement on Venezuela election
Frugal: Do you ever realize that certain innate habits or personality traits help you save...
business: Bud Light Spent Millions on US Comeback That Didn't Work
With her signature stiff arm and red lip, Ilona Maher rules Olympic rugby and TikTok
The story behind the woman who inspired Harris to break barriers
Reverse Engineering a Soundsystem’s API
Missing Henry VIII portrait found after random X post
Functional languages should be so much better at mutation than they are
Common side effects of not drinking
Volodymyr Zelensky : renoncer à des territoires ukrainiens est « une question très, très...
Au Tchad, un ex-ministre dément son implication dans la suspension d’un média en ligne
Le massacre de Thiaroye, enjeu politique entre le Sénégal et la France
Les lettres d’Olga et de Sasha : « Pendant deux jours, Kyïv a été en deuil. Et moi,...
Qui était Ismaïl Haniyeh, le leader du Hamas, assassiné à Téhéran ?
Boeing précipite le départ de son PDG
Nearly 7% of Internet Traffic Is Malicious
Get directional elements in matrix
Rigging 'Pipe' for slinky style animation
The weird edges occurred after I applied Subdiv modifier
Permaculture: Can permaculture help us to grow food in otherwise non-agricultural lands this...
programming: Why are 80% of developers unhappy at work?
hacking: Pi Ducky Enclosure
gardening: Anyone want some kale? Too bad, Frank ate it all
The secret to finding your ideal workplace | Marion Campan
Polaroid in an Instant
Au Royaume-Uni, des émeutiers d’extrême droite dans les rues de Southport après une attaque...
Boeing désigne Kelly Ortberg comme nouveau patron
Menu switch - can a single switch work for both geometry and boolean?
Rigging joints
technology: Bumble and Hinge allowed stalkers to pinpoint users’ locations down to 2 meters,...
technology: Boeing names new CEO after losses more than triple | CNN Business
hackers: Cybercriminals Deploy 100K+ Malware Android Apps to Steal OTP Codes