Can't Render animation
Generate maps
technology: If 1 million people sign a petition, a ban on rendering multiplayer games unplayable...
linux: [FOSS procedural 2D design app] Graphite progress report (Q2 2024) - Introducing boolean...
amateurradio: I bougt a sailor radio for my ship just because it was rater clean and new looking...
PINE64official: Brand new chisel tip DEAD after 10 minutes of use. Has anyone experienced this?
MeFi: Cute Story in Aisle Five
Why eevee bloom is removed?
nature: B.C. preparing for 'worst-case scenario' if landslide-caused dam in Chilcotin River...
Leaked GitHub Python Token
Abstract shapes / Curves
Permaculture: These meat-eaters don't want to 'contract the kill', so they're heading into...
Morning news brief
En direct : les prisonniers libérés dans le cadre d’un échange avec la Russie sont arrivés...
How to train a function to output a correct value (based on training data) by adjusting one...
Matching uv's manually?