Show HN: LLM Aided OCR (Correcting Tesseract OCR Errors with LLMs)
En direct, guerre en Ukraine : plusieurs districts de la région de Koursk privés d’é...
En Libye, le maréchal Khalifa Haftar reprend ses mouvements de troupes et suscite l’inquiétude
Symmetry on character looking weird
Optimize Camera rendering
Physics: Textbooks & Resources - Weekly Discussion Thread - August 09, 2024
compsci: Introducing PUFAnalytics: A Comprehensive Python Library for Analyzing Physically...
technology: The FCC wants the AI voice calling you to say it's a deepfake
Physics: Lighter temperature linked with flame size ?
Python: Add examples to Sphinx docs automatically
Woman dies in Chicago airport baggage belt accident
Trump's scary helicopter trip did not happen, says ex-mayor
Texas orders hospitals to collect migrant data
These Olympic medals don’t exist – so we made them up
Is COVID endemic yet? Yep, says the CDC. Here's what that means
Le point sur la situation au Proche-Orient : un membre du Hamas, responsable de la sécurité...
Au Brésil, la délicate position du président Lula face à la crise vénézuélienne
Au Brésil, un avion transportant 62 personnes s’est écrasé près de Sao Paulo
Cycles not rendering text
Should I retopologize before joining body parts?
Duplicate Instance
business: Customers didn’t stop spending. Companies stopped serving | CNN Business
technology: Venezuela bans X as Maduro expands crackdown
gardening: Can someone tell me what weed this is?
Frugal: next best deodorant
nature: This remote, mystical forest has been protected for centuries. Now it’s under threat
Did the U.S. need to drop two atomic weapons on Japan in order to end World War II?
Hackaday Podcast Episode 283: Blinding Lasers, LEDs, and ETs
En images : l’incursion ukrainienne la plus importante depuis le début de la guerre sur...
Rigging in a hero pose
blender: "I'm new to 3D, I should start with something easy and simple" No.
privacy: California woman's home insurance dropped after drone view reveals clutter, unsanitary...
Physics: Klein-ing frame
Art: The Old House, suntmint, acrylic, 2024
programming: Uncle Bob Martin: "I am in the midst of writing the second edition of Clean Code....
Are your coping mechanisms healthy? | Andrew Miki
Fighting a War and Keeping an Economy Afloat in Ukraine
'Chi Chi' Rodriguez, a Hall of Fame golfer who livened up the sport, dies at 88
Half a century ago, Nixon became the only president to resign
Custom Pneumatic Cylinders Lock This Monitor Arm in Place
Using alternative browser engines in the European Union
Emeutes au Royaume-Uni : une peine de prison ferme pour incitation à la haine en ligne
En direct, guerre en Ukraine : le bilan de l’attaque d’un supermarché dans l’oblast...
La courte grève des plagistes italiens
Gaz : le marché européen reste volatil malgré l’effacement de la Russie
Can't export standard torchvision ResNet50 model into ONNX file
Why my transparent mesh has those artifacts?
Optimizing EEVEE GI
Need help modeling carving
askscience: Are you less likely to contract a virus immediately after a vaccination?
cryptography: Non-Random PubKeys in Schnorr/ECDSA safety?
compsci: How To Build Your Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) Using Open-source Tools: LangChain,...
business: Big Lots is closing hundreds of stores nationwide.
worldnews: Ukrainian troops push deeper into Russia as the Kremlin scrambles forces to repel...
netsec: BBoT 2.0 Released!
An anthem for peace and justice from Israeli and Palestinian youth | Jerusalem Youth Chorus
Alarmed by mpox surge, Africa CDC is poised to declare a 'continental emergency'
This Week in Security: GhostWrite, Localhost, and More
Jake Seliger has died
La justice américaine ordonne à FTX de verser 12,7 milliards de dollars à ses anciens...
Hide Action and Object Transformations Rows from displaying in the Sidebar?
Version 4.2 rips apart retopo from 4.1.1
OSINT: Looking for a job, any self-check tool or HR framework to see my work digital footprint?
nasa: NASA sends final command to its NEOWISE spacecraft, ending more than a decade of asteroid...
Physics: How can the future of the universe and heat death be affected by fluctuations?
amateurradio: Not bad for 20w
The Refugee Olympic Team wins its first-ever medal, thanks to boxer Cindy Ngamba
Forest Service orders Arrowhead bottled water to shut down California pipeline
Une Russo-américaine en prison en Russie pour un don de 47,45 euros à une fondation ukrainienne
En Ouganda, arrestation de 47 militants opposés au mégaprojet pétrolier de TotalEnergies
En RDC, le procès du M23 se veut « une leçon pour tous ceux qui décident de trahir la...
People-Search Site Removal Services Largely Ineffective
Ideal language for a 3d modeling app
Upgrading ram how big will be the difference in my setup for render?
Godzilla in Paris vfx | How I made it
compsci: Best Hindi-English youtube channel for US College CS
linux: Linux Will Be Able To Boot ~0.035 Seconds Faster With One Line Kernel Patch
Harris and Trump will debate in September. And, a COVID mystery unraveled
En Grèce, le gouvernement conservateur accusé de vouloir enterrer le scandale des écoutes
Au Royaume-Uni, la fin prochaine de deux siècles d’exemption fiscale pour les riches étrangers
Blender soft transition between two "shaders" using mask
How do i find out, when e.g. the bone groups were renamed to collections
radiocontrol: Big Ford
ReverseEngineering: Blog: A deep dive into CVE-2023-2163: How we found and fixed an eBPF Linux...
blender: Need suggestions for a "main" subject.
blender: made an upgrade to the character, what do you think?
compsci: This isn’t how ai misinformation bots work, right?
Python: Not understanding topics while self teaching.
Walz and legions of 'dudes' want to give men permission to vote Democrat
The most pressing question about Tim Walz and JD Vance: Who should play them on SNL?
Public health advocates push Olympics to drop Coca-Cola sponsorship
Trump holds a rambling news conference while Harris and Walz make stops on debut tour
Ukraine presses offensive inside Russia as Moscow scrambles to respond
Liquid (Reversibly) Solidifies at Room Temperature, Gets Used for 3D Prints
SQLite FTS5 Extension
Sonic Pi: Ruby as a Composition Tool
OTranscribe: A free and open tool for transcribing audio interviews
En direct, guerre en Ukraine : la Russie annonce l’envoi de renforts militaires dans l’oblast...
X suspend l’utilisation des données de ses utilisateurs européens pour entraîner l’IA Grok
Projet d’attentat lors d’un concert de Taylor Swift : un troisième suspect arrêté en...