CSVs Are Kinda Bad. DSVs Are Kinda Good
It's Not Just You. No One Wants Kids Anymore [video]
Helium Synthesis
Au Royaume-Uni, après les émeutes, des sanctions judiciaires sévères
La Corée du Nord devrait rouvrir ses frontières aux touristes étrangers en décembre, selon...
En Roumanie, sur le chantier d’une des plus grandes bases aériennes de l’OTAN en Europe
blender: Solving texture repetition the smart way
compsci: Florida Atlantic University Hackathon
worldnews: Ukraine appears to have just launched its largest attack on Russia's airbases as...
The Notebook actress Gena Rowlands dies at 94
Gena Rowlands, a luminous leading lady of independent film, has died
Entangled Photons Maintained Using Existing Fiber Under NYC’s Streets
Is this piston setup impossible to do with object constraints?
Python: marimo notebooks now have built-in support for SQL
Columbia University President Minouche Shafik resigns after 'period of turmoil'
Etats-Unis : la présidente de l’université de Columbia démissionne après des mois de...
privacy: REPORT: "No Opt Out: With Thousands of Companies Selling Your Data, There Is No Easy...
amateurradio: Results are in
worldnews: Liz Truss leaves stage over ‘I crashed the economy’ lettuce banner | Liz Truss
Columbia University president resigns after Gaza protests turmoil
Wally Amos, creator of Famous Amos cookies, has died
Re-fixing Servo's event-loop
Argentine : le parquet requiert l’inculpation de l’ancien président Alberto Fernandez...
Retopo in Blender 4.1.0
HomeImprovement: Is a fridge with a 1-gallon water dispenser worth it for a family of 6?
technology: Google pulls the plug on uBlock Origin, leaving over 30 million Chrome users s...
gardening: My heart was broken this morning. Looked ok from top view but slightly to the side....
programming: Github down globally
Driverless cars wake residents with nighttime honking
Handsome Sim Racing Button Box Is A Super Easy Build
Font with Built-In Syntax Highlighting
Custom Loss Function Traps Network in Local Optima
gardening: What a bountiful harvest 😅
cryptography: Crackpot claims to break RSA on his cellphone (likely a BS P=NP claim)
netsec: Lil Pwny Rides Again: Streamline Your Active Directory Password Audits with the New...
compsci: I believe I may have developed an architecture similar to or reminiscent of the t...
MeFi: time travel, soup, and a badly-kept secret
Wisconsin voters are expected to protest Israel-Hamas war policy at next week’s DNC
Saving freshwater crocodiles — by teaching them to not eat poisonous toads
A cautionary tale of new online banking systems
WHO declares mpox emergency of international concern
The Opposition in Venezuela is Afraid
Ukraine attacks a second region in Western Russia, prompting a state of emergency
Inflation fell in July, and interest rates could drop in September
Venezuela has arrested thousands in the weeks since controversial election
Former CNN executive is on a mission to revive 'The Atlanta Journal Constitution'
Instagram fails to protect female politicians from violent, racist, sexist comments
Windows TCP/IP Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
A different kind of keyboard (2021)
OSINT: OSINT as a career option ?
Permaculture: Can I plant trees/shrubs in freshly excavated soil?
gardening: Stupidest gardening mistake you've ever made?
Python: Sharing what I would consider as a win (part 2)
Moment boy alerts police of mother trapped in sinking car
Why false claims that a picture of a Kamala Harris rally was AI-generated matter
A new Israel-Hamas cease-fire talk starts this week. Is anything different this time?
Show HN: I've open sourced DD Poker
Show HN: Double – Design and invest in your own stock index
Alpha Clip obscuring whats behind it
gardening: 🪴🌷My variegated butterfly pea plants are finally blooming in my garden after...
europe: Tim Walz calls Viktor Orbán a dictator. For JD Vance, he’s a role model.
worldnews: Ukrainians distribute humanitarian aid to civilians in Russia's Kursk Oblast
Canada considers revoking terror suspect's citizenship
More delays for astronauts stuck in space as Nasa ponders return
Royce White: A candidate's controversial path from NBA to Maga
Israel-Hamas war: The status of cease-fire talks, crisis in Gaza and Israeli politics
Arizona will vote on whether to protect the right to abortion
Handheld Oscilloscope Meter Reviewed
How one ED mobilized his department during a mass casualty incident (2017)
Sunburst color
HomeImprovement: Neighbor replaced my fence
nasa: Primary Instrument for Roman Space Telescope Arrives at NASA Goddard
cryptography: Does BitLocker encrypt data in real-time at the point of creation?
Frugal: I work second shift in a factory. It gets toasty around the welders. Instead of buying...
MeFi: Internet Textuality: Toward Interactive Multilinear Narrative
Jewels stolen during a brazen 2019 heist are back on display in Germany
How I won $2,750 using JavaScript, AI, and a can of WD-40
En direct, guerre en Ukraine : Kiev veut créer « une zone tampon » en Russie pour protéger...
Wire/honeycomb frame like, along an edge?
4090 scoring low in 4.2 vs 3.5
linux: Canonical's Shifts to Up-to-Date Linux Kernels in Ubuntu
Permaculture: Understanding the Honey Bee Life Cycle
Physics: The arXivist: Paul Ginsparg on the founding and future of arXiv
technology: X’s new AI image generator will make anything from Taylor Swift in lingerie to...
business: Mars to acquire Cheez-Its, Pringles snack maker Kellanova in $36 billion deal
WHO declares 2024 mpox surge is 'a public health emergency of international concern'
Ernesto, now a hurricane, is drenching Puerto Rico and knocking out power
FLOSS Weekly Episode 796: Homebrew, I’m More of a Whopper Guy
Texas sues GM for unlawfully collecting and selling drivers' private data [pdf]
Inside the "3 billion people" national public data breach
How can i start learning to do CGI renders
cryptography: The Future of Cryptography: NIST's Post-Quantum Standards Explained
What to know about Thursday's Gaza cease-fire talks
Hacker Tactic: Pimp Your Probes
Ozempic is changing people's skin, say plastic surgeons
The TikTok Case Will Be Determined by What's Behind the Government's Black Lines
Introducing passkey support to Fastmail
Is "Rich Dad Poor Dad" a Fraud?
En Allemagne, des craintes de sabotage mettent en alerte des bases aériennes militaires
Problem with Keras class weights and KeyError