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psytrance: Ozora Festival
technology: Scientists discover underground cave on the moon that could shelter astronauts...
Hackaday Links: August 18, 2024
OSINT: Face ID Check / Linkedin
En direct, guerre en Ukraine : Vladimir Poutine en visite en Azerbaïdjan ; Moscou revendique...
nasa: All my early 80's NASA pre-Challenger flight gear (and yes, I did make the NASA Polo!)
MeFi: Ǔnáùlǔtu̐
askscience: What makes the rabies virus not species-specific while most other viruses can't...
nasa: PhD while a Civil Servant
worldnews: Russia pulls 5,000 troops from Ukraine to defend Kursk Oblast against Ukrainian offensive
europe: How are Russians reacting to the dramatic Ukrainian incursion in Kursk region? A hundred...
En direct, guerre en Ukraine : Vladimir Poutine en visite en Azerbaïdjan ; Moscou revendique...
"cal" command?
blender: Rate my animation
`input_shape`/`input_dim` argument to a layer. When using Sequential models, prefer using an...
New to 3D printing
data: UT data essentials