amateurradio: 15m this morning
MeFi: Sing, goddess
Au Panama, vingt-neuf migrants colombiens ont été expulsés, un mois après un accord conclu...
askscience: AskScience AMA Series: I am an atmospheric scientist at the University of Maryland....
HomeImprovement: What’s a common home improvement mistake you made when starting out that...
Frugal: House I am buying has an upright freezer downstairs - keep it or have sellers move it?
europe: Outside a bar in Tallinn
technology: Disney gives up on trying to use Disney Plus excuse to settle a wrongful death lawsuit
programming: The history of Alt+number sequences, and why Alt+9731 sometimes gives you a heart...
Italie : la droite mélonienne crie au complot de la gauche, de la presse et de la magistrature
europe: 99-year-old former concentration camp secretary sentenced for complicity in murder...
MeFi: Minuscule timing (6)
Le point sur la situation au Proche-Orient : les Etats-Unis reprochent au Hamas de faire ...
programming: I will implement 1 most upvoted new feature from comments in opensource admin...
En direct, guerre en Ukraine : la Russie a visé plusieurs positions ukrainiennes avec des...
Transparent element in glb
Physics: How did this happen?