If scaling is used on data during neural network training, should it always be used for new data?
MeFi: Reefer Madness
Frugal: Instead of throwing out and replacing a cat tree, I bought 300 feet of sisal rope for...
Le point sur la situation au Proche-Orient : le Royaume-Uni défend sa décision de suspendre...
Deph of field on portal shader
technology: Study reveals 57% of online content is AI-generated, hurting search results and...
Making leak texture
blender: I made a House.
compsci: I recently presented a paper at a non-archival conference workshop. How can I prove...
La détention au Groenland de Paul Watson, défenseur des baleines, prolongée de vingt-huit jours
blender: Arcane smith
privacy: A vulnerability was discovered in a cryptographic library utilized in all YubiKey...
Etats-Unis : une ex-collaboratrice du gouverneur de New York accusée d’espionnage pour Pékin
worldnews: North Korea executes around 30 govt officials after deadly floods and landslides: Report