Navy chiefs conspired to get themselves illegal warship Wi-Fi
DAGitty – draw and analyze causal diagrams
The Insecurity of Debian
A Rome, l’arc de Constantin endommagé par la foudre lors d’un violent orage
How can the dimensions of a Cov2D layer be calculated?
amateurradio: My First Ever HighEnd HT Kenwood TH-D75A ”The Gold Standard” Has Arrived;...
compsci: 1 week deadline to get an internship am i cooked?
Frugal: Instead of throwing out and replacing a cat tree, I bought 300 feet of sisal rope for...
John McCain's son endorses Harris after Trump cemetery visit
Las Vegas teenagers plead guilty to killing classmate
US to accuse Russia of 2024 election interference
Decades of failures turned Grenfell Tower into a 'death trap,' report says
Navy commander relieved of duty after photo showed him firing rifle with scope backward
Second gentleman Doug Emhoff says he is 'gutted' at a vigil for Israeli hostages
Vue 3.5 released
Small asteroid to hit Earth's atmosphere today
Israël-Hamas : qui sont les otages du 7 octobre ?
Le point sur la situation au Proche-Orient : le Royaume-Uni défend sa décision de suspendre...
Russie : un mois après le plus grand échange entre Moscou et l’Ouest, des « cartes ...
Ursula von der Leyen cherche à réconcilier agriculture et environnement
Au Royaume-Uni, les conservateurs choisissent un successeur à Rishi Sunak
nature: Roughly 80 animals killed, 1 arrested after California shooting
compsci: Routing Cisco packet tracer
Python: Introducing fastapi-endpoints. A file-based router plugin
gardening: Can’t believe I grew these myself! My first successful garden harvest...
hackers: Hackers Use Fake GlobalProtect VPN Software in New WikiLoader Malware Attack
programming: Explicit is better than implicit
What are the abortion laws in US states?
'Never lose courage': A Paralympian who could barely walk as a kid takes 2 track medals
3D Printering: Switch and Klip(per)
The Fourier Uncertainty Principles [pdf] (2021)
Ilya Sutskever's SSI Inc raises $1B
Au moins 20 644 traversées de migrants dans la Manche depuis janvier 2024
Selon Human Rights Watch, de plus en plus de demandeurs d’asile syriens se font refouler...
Deph of field on portal shader
blender: I did ALL this in ONE day, never used a computer before today
technology: Study reveals 57% of online content is AI-generated, hurting search results and...
Python: Introducing WSCE: A Custom Shell Environment Built with Python
gardening: Update, got a few . Incredible ones.
Art: The color of duality, Snegwy, photography, 2024
En direct, guerre en Ukraine : l’armée russe progresse dans le Donbass ; la frappe sur...
Making leak texture
technology: Starlink says it will block X in Brazil to keep satellite internet active
blender: I made a House.
compsci: I recently presented a paper at a non-archival conference workshop. How can I prove...
hacking: Yet another WinRar conundrum
nature: A photographer captures life in America’s last remaining old-growth forests
Ex-aide to N.Y. govs accused of working for China. And Russia’s deadly missile attack
Faster Integer Programming
Incendie de la Grenfell Tower : le rapport d’enquête final publie un verdict accablant
Qui est Björn Höcke, leader de l’extrême droite allemande
Le monde tente de freiner la déferlante de l’acier chinois à bas coût
La détention au Groenland de Paul Watson, défenseur des baleines, prolongée de vingt-huit jours
How to work with imported nurbs models (nurbs->obj) with messy topology?
blender: Arcane smith
privacy: A vulnerability was discovered in a cryptographic library utilized in all YubiKey...
compsci: What if programming a cpu was like this:
worldnews: Kim Jong Un Executes Officials After Deadly Floods, Media Says
Teenager charged over shooting of NFL player Ricky Pearsall
US charges Hamas leaders over 7 October attack on Israel
Could bird flu spread at state fairs? Here’s why health experts advise caution
Multi-Material Printing Enables Low Cost Silicone Prototypes
Firefox will consider a Rust implementation of JPEG-XL
Etats-Unis : une ex-collaboratrice du gouverneur de New York accusée d’espionnage pour Pékin
Security Researcher Sued for Disproving Government Statements
Art: Gothic angel, Dean (me), Procreate, 2024
compsci: Mobile Application Development
linux: Who else here uses Linux as host and Windows as guest for work?
europe: Family killed by a russian rocket attack in Lviv today. Only the man survived.
How to work with importet nurbs models (nurbs->obj) with messy topology?
linux: Brisbane Busses Running Ubuntu
worldnews: North Korea executes around 30 govt officials after deadly floods and landslides: Report
Meet the evangelicals trying to make a case for VP Harris
In a rural small town, a group of locals steps up to support senior health
This boss vowed to help his workers with child care. It hasn't been easy
Here’s why many election experts aren’t freaking out about certification this year
Ukraine's foreign minister submits resignation as Russian strikes kill 7 in Lviv
Solar will get too cheap to connect to the power grid
Françoise Daucé, sociologue : « L’arrestation de Pavel Durov marque l’émergence...
Quand le Parti communiste chinois forme des élites africaines
En direct, guerre en Ukraine : sept personnes tuées à Lviv dans une attaque nocturne russe ;...
En Ukraine, forte poussée de l’offensive russe dans le Donbass
US Steel : « la sidérurgie a longtemps été considérée comme un instrument essentiel...
Greta Thunberg arrêtée à Copenhague lors d’une manifestation pour le boycott des un...
amateurradio: What would this antenna be used for?
linux: Square Enix is investing in Playtron to support their Linux-based "GameOS"
europe: Russian Attack on Lviv Kills 7, Including 3 Children, and Injures 38
Trump ordered to stop using Isaac Hayes' music
OpenSCAD Library Creates QR Codes on the Fly
Intel: New Core Ultra Processors Deliver Breakthrough Performance
En Ukraine, le plus grand remaniement gouvernemental depuis le début de la guerre
Au Liban, Riad Salamé, ex-gouverneur de la banque centrale, placé en garde à vue pour des...
cryptography: Telegram's 'Privacy': Let's clarify how safe Telegram really is
compsci: Have you ever been asked to explain why you chose a specific topic in computer science...
programming: I made a super simple diff tool that's totally free and has no annoying ads
Keeping CALM: When distributed consistency is easy (2019)
Judge stops FTC from enforcing ban on non-compete agreements
State of S3 – Your Laptop is no Laptop anymore – a personal Rant
Antitrust : une décision de justice pourrait limiter les ambitions de la politique de l’UE