How to match shading on two not parallel surfaces?
How do you loop animated noise texture on one direction only?
europe: 72 hours later and the branch isn't still here Milan, Italy
compsci: Private Schools Stalker
netsec: Windows Wi-Fi Driver RCE Vulnerability - CVE-2024-30078
Why this US jobs report matters and what to watch
Trump pleads not guilty to revised election interference charges
Hunter Biden offers to change not guilty plea in tax case
Why anti-fascist vigilantes are infiltrating far-right white nationalist groups
These are the 2 students and 2 teachers killed at Apalachee High School in Georgia
Origami-Inspired Phased Arrays Are Reshaping the Future of Antennas
Au Sénégal, des ouvriers face au revers de la médaille économique chinoise
compsci: Analyzing Unstructured Data
Frugal: What’s your best tip for stretching groceries to last longer?
nasa: Mars Society Starts Congressional Campaign to Make NASA Produce a Humans to Mars Plan
Frugal: Cheap Fast Food (but not healthy)
technology: Advertisers plan to withdraw from X in record numbers
Watch: Unseen video shows moments after JFK assassination
Could you live without shopping for a year? Try the 'no-buy challenge'
Launching Model Airplanes With a Custom Linear Induction Motor
Show HN: Hacker League – Open-Source Rocket League on Linux
A Bruxelles, Michel Barnier vu comme un « Européen convaincu », malgré ses propos passés...
Ingérences russes dans la présidentielle américaine : derrière l’obscure Tenet Media,...
What are next steps after PINN training process?
Polyquilt grows selection + my imaginary retopo tool
blender: Bottle shader was Hard AF!!
SocialEngineering: If you said "i'm holding you up here/ i'm a nuisance" what form of persuasion...
Permaculture: Pruning an apple tree. Do you exactly know where to prune?
Physics: In a four-dimensional space, how many legs does a chair need to have?
Art: The Feminine, uv_art (me), digital, 2022
How to turn the tables on food waste | Dana Gunders
After a study found toxic metals in tampons, lawmakers are pressing the FDA to act
I2C For Hackers: Digging Deeper
Les exportations françaises de matériels militaires ont fortement reculé en 2023
Nicaragua : les Etats-unis annoncent avoir obtenu la libération de 135 détenus politiques
How is physics loss calculated in PINNs?
OSINT: GeoSpy GEOINT Training
Permaculture: Opinions on Alik Pelman's approach?
Python: I've been tracking Python, Django, NumPy and several other frameworks in job listings...
worldnews: Putin claims Russia will support Harris in US elections
business: Verizon to acquire Frontier in $20 billion deal to boost fiber network
Harris agrees to muted mic rule in debate with Trump
Desed: Demystify and debug your sed scripts
Porting systemd to musl Libc-powered Linux
En Ukraine, la légalisation du cannabis thérapeutique, source d’espoir pour les vétérans
How to make a noise texture looking like creased fabric?
Piemenu for the different views
Finding resource for procedural texture study
amateurradio: Ham on ONLY Murders
privacy: "Is this even legal?" A leaked pitch reveals marketing agency uses 'Active Listening'...
worldnews: FBI dossier reveals Putin’s secret psy-ops in Europe
linux: Which do you prefer: Snap, Flatpak, or AppImage, and why?
Pope Francis and Indonesia’s top imam make a joint call for religious harmony
France's Macron names EU's Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier as prime minister
Lesser known parts of Python standard library – Trickster Dev
Yi-Coder: A Small but Mighty LLM for Code
La Chine dame le pion à la France sur un grand projet d’autoroute reliant le Kenya à l’Ouganda
How do I solve a camera to an 'accurate' location
How to make a heart 3D model in Blender
worldnews: US conservative influencers, including, Tim Pool, say they are ‘victims’ of...
Physics: What's your favorite physics desk ornament or toy?
nature: Wildfire destroys 20% of Brasilia forest, arson suspected
Python: Yet another 12 factor configuration helper : python-direnv
Details on Georgia school shooting suspect. And, Russian media hired U.S. influencers
Fire towers in New York are illuminated to honor fire watchers who kept communities safe
Getting Root on Cheap WiFi Repeaters, the Long Way Around
Tinystatus: A tiny status page generated by a Python script
Building a WoW (World of Warcraft) Server in Elixir
« Les fonds de pension d’Europe centrale peuvent jouer un rôle-clé dans le développement...
Long Analysis of the M-209
blender: Trying to start rumours on the city where I live
cryptography: Why are ECC not used more for encryption?
Ask MeFi: What does an Xennial mom wear at home in 2024?
What we know about the Apalachee High School shooting victims
Manche : sortir de la spirale mortifère des naufrages
En direct, guerre en Ukraine : Vladimir Poutine assure que la Russie est prête à des nÃ...
En Biélorussie, Loukachenko gracie 30 prisonniers politiques mais laisse des centaines d’autres...
How do I rig multiple pivot points so my object always touches the floor?
Frugal: Fridge left cracked open probably around 6 hours… what is ok?
compsci: THANKS
gardening: I guess I mistakenly planted my tomato right next to where I’d sown some bunny seeds.
Physics: I feel so stupid: I feel like I chose the wrong major all this time
Tim Walz's NRA rating went from A to F. It's part of a shift from Democrats on guns
Should your car warn you that you’re speeding? California lawmakers vote yes
Photos: How older adults navigate their health care needs in rural America
T.D. Lee changed science in China and my life. This is what I owe to him
Worried about your drink getting spiked? Here are some safety tips
Trump Jan. 6 case gets its first hearing since the Supreme Court's immunity ruling
Hunter Biden goes on trial in Los Angeles over charges of tax evasion
Ugandan Olympic athlete dies after being severely burned in gasoline attack
Knife tool randomly effective snapping and trashing faces
Geometry nodes: boolean difference penetration of object
Art: 500 lifetimes later, Von_Grechii (me), digital, 2024
europe: Young voters aged 18-24 in German Thuringia overwhelmingly voted far-right AfD
hackers: Hi guys what is this?
2 American women are playing in the U.S. Open women's singles semifinals
Tactile Communication Board Speaks the Truth
En Ukraine, un remaniement massif qui fait l’objet de critiques
Au sommet de la coopération sino-africaine, Xi Jinping se pose en défenseur du Sud global
A Munich, la police tire sur une personne suspecte près du consulat général d’Israël