privacy: Billion-Dollar Bank Accused of Secretly Sending Customers’ Personal and Financial...
gardening: End of summer garden
privacy: New Zealand Inland Revenue giving thousands of taxpayers' details to social media...
Permaculture: I'm losing this fight: 4 years and I after various approaches it keeps coming...
ReverseEngineering: Cracking an old ZIP file to help open source the ANC's "Operation Vula"...
Trois vigiles israéliens tués dans un attentat au point de passage entre la Jordanie et la...
Need Help With Subd Topology
Active face must be quad
Why is it so hard to create an unlit object that has an alpha map? (please help I'm desperate)
Le pape François en visite en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, où les Eglises volent à la rescousse...
Cloth Sim
linux: The new KDE Goals have been announced setting the focus of the coming years on improving...
Retopo: Adaptive Skinning
technology: Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills | ...
En Grèce, le premier ministre augmente le salaire minimum et les retraites pour faire face...
4.2.1 Ridiculously Slow
OSINT: Realty tools
programming: Microservices vs. Monoliths: Why Startups Are Getting "Nano-Services" All Wrong
Physics: People abuse of r/Physics, related communities and sometimes r/Math to ask absurd...
Too much reflex
Physics: Reuleaux triangle
Physics: Mechanics books
hackers: ???
hackers: it’s every single post.