netsec: CVE-2024-38014 0-day - Microsoft Windows MSI Installer - Repair to SYSTEM + msiscan...
amateurradio: New radio yay
business: Entrepreneurs and Business Managers, Is a Business Minor Useful or Is There Other...
Headphone image going wrong
hacking: Being creative?
gardening: Love it here
business: 5 Legal Pitfalls Startups Miss (That Can Kill Your Business Before It Even Starts)
Le point sur la situation au Proche-Orient : deux morts dans une attaque israélienne dans...
MeFi: Formula Too Complex
blender: My new blender Artwork
Why is my lower leg moving?
Python: Which Python libraries would be most suitable for Time Series Forecasts and Multilinear...
worldnews: Teen Arsonists Burn Russian Mi-8 Helicopter for 5 Million Rubles Promised on Telegram
OSINT: OSINT and The Far East
« Le combat de l’UE et des Etats-Unis contre les géants du numérique est une longue marche »
Low poly modeling
europe: Religious extremist trying to destroy Ataturk’s statue gets punched in the face by...
programming: Video Game Developers Are Leaving The Industry And Doing Something, Anything Else...
Azerbaïdjan : trois ans de prison pour un Français auteur de graffitis dans le métro de Bakou
prablem texturing
Connecter to Blender
compsci: skiplist vs minheap
Subdividing after filling holes