En direct, guerre en Ukraine : Volodymyr Zelensky sur la ligne de front, Joe Biden appelle...
En direct, guerre au Proche-Orient : Benyamin Nétanyahou affirme que le « programme nucléaire...
Bad Baking
Cannot bake normal map
privacy: India restricts WhatsApp sharing data with other Meta entities, imposes $25.4 million fine
technology: David Attenborough Reacts to AI Replica of His Voice: 'I Am Profoundly Disturbed'...
Do You Dream in Color?
programming: OpenAPI Generator v7.10.0 released with 3 new generators for Rust, C# and GDScript
Physics: Highly sensitive and real-simultaneous CH4/C2H2 dual-gas LITES sensor based on Lissajous...
worldnews: Ballet star Vladimir Shklyarov who criticised Putin’s Ukraine invasion dies in...
2d rig system
My X-ray shortcut won't work
business: Walmart planned to remove oven from store before 19-Year-old employee baked to death...
En Argentine, Emmanuel Macron rend hommage aux disparus de la dictature, un symbole fort face...
En direct, guerre au Proche-Orient : l’émissaire spécial américain Amos Hochstein attendu...
Substance UDIMS bug
europe: The undersea cable between Finland and Germany has been severed – communication links...
The Laser Shadow Knows
adapt() doesn't work within tf.data.Dataset.map() while building a preprocessing pipeline using...