europe: Poland's air quality today is marked as Hazardous, significantly worse than anywhere...
MeFi: The first muezzin
En direct, guerre en Ukraine : Vladimir Poutine admet que la défense aérienne russe était...
Getting outlines not filled
amateurradio: Has anyone here successfully lobbied their state or town to ease restrictions...
Physics: Is there any way to disprove this statement: “all matter is in orbit around some...
En direct, guerre en Ukraine : selon Volodymyr Zelensky, la Chine doit dissuader la Corée...
Grease Pencil Draw Fill Question
Fish and chips et vieilles pierres : dans les campagnes françaises, une riche cohabitation...
La France a demandé officiellement à l’Indonésie le rapatriement de Serge Atlaoui, condamné...
Face aux menaces russes, les pays de l’OTAN s’organisent pour protéger les câbles sous-marins
Frugal: Tipping Strategies 2025
Bevel shader to curvature map?
technology: YouTuber won DMCA fight with fake Nintendo lawyer by detecting spoofed email |...
Smoothing an stl
blender: First time trying product design in blender after mostly doing environments, I mostly...
MeFi: Tone Find