Syria's new leader denounces Iran, calling its proxies a regional threat
Nvidia open-source nanite: continuous level of detail (LOD) mesh library
En Grèce, les investissements dans les énergies renouvelables se multiplient dans la confusion
En Suède, la police fait état de tirs dans un centre de formation pour adultes dans la ville...
En direct, cessez-le-feu à Gaza : Benyamin Nétanyahou attendu à la Maison Blanche, premier...
Le Français Serge Atlaoui, condamné à mort en Indonésie, a décollé pour la France
cryptography: Join us later this month on Feb 20th at 4PM CEST for an meetup with Zeyu...
cryptography: LWE cryptanalysis
amateurradio: Trying to listen to ISS
PINE64official: What is the current state on QuartzPro64?
technology: TikTok’s algorithm exhibited pro-Republican bias during 2024 presidential race,...
Physics: Is AI a cop out?
linux: Kdenlive fundraiser report is out with lot's of amazing features
What are tariffs and why is Trump threatening to use them?
Where Trump's tariffs stand. And, the Education Department may see big cuts
Even where weed is legal, product safety isn't guaranteed
IRS Direct File team disbanded
OWASP Non-Human Identities Top 10
Bart De Wever, la mue d’un nationaliste flamand devenu premier ministre de Belgique
Le Groenland se mobilise contre les risques d’ingérences étrangères
En direct, guerre en Ukraine : cinq morts et trente-huit blessés dans des bombardements russes...
Deepfakes and the 2024 US Election
privacy: PSA: facebook, insta, tiktok and more links will doxx you
europe: Rejoin or stay out? Brits would consistently vote to rejoin for 4 years now
netsec: 8 Million Requests Later, We Made The SolarWinds Supply Chain Attack Look Amateur -...
Why the AI world is suddenly obsessed with a 160-year-old economics paradox
Homebrew Foil and Oil Caps Change Your Guitar’s Tone
En Allemagne, la CDU essaie de surmonter ses divisions avant les élections législatives
Guerre en Ukraine : « Au sein de notre légion internationale, Maria Zaitseva avait trouvé...
La justice kazakhe punit plus sévèrement l’exécutant que le commanditaire des émeutes...
Are NVMe drives faster?
programming: "GOTO Considered Harmful" Considered Harmful (1987, pdf)
linux: Okay… now what?
'Beyond betrayal.' Venezuelans in Florida are angry at Trump immigration policy
L’unité des Européens à l’épreuve de Donald Trump
Commerce : la stratégie du chaos de Donald Trump
La Chine annonce ses représailles face aux Etats-Unis tout en espérant un « deal »
Why is training for the game 2048 not working well for me?
linux: Resistance to Rust abstractions for DMA mapping in Linux kernel [LWM]
cryptography: Bulletproofs Inner Product Argument & Range Proofs in Monero using Bulletproofs
Families buy more sugary cereal if advertising targets kids, not adults
Pastor pushed out after parishioners complain about focus on racial justice
Understanding the T12 Style Soldering Iron Tip
« En investissant les cryptomonnaies, Donald Trump veut déréguler et libérer le dollar...
En direct, cessez-le-feu à Gaza : Donald Trump reçoit Benyamin Nétanyahou à la Maison Blanche
Le Français Serge Atlaoui, condamné à mort en Indonésie, extrait de sa prison en vue...
Jacques Mourad, évêque syriaque catholique de Homs : « La violence est toujours à l’œuvre...
En direct, guerre en Ukraine : Kiev déclare avoir été attaquée par 65 drones russes dans...
Edge lit "3D" lamp
Permaculture: Fruit trees in clay - is this a mistake?
worldnews: China imposes 15% tariffs on coal, LNG in response to Trump's tariffs | AP News
worldnews: Rubio says El Salvador offers to accept deportees from US of any nationality, including...
Escaping surprise bills and over-engineered messes: Why I left AWS
What's Going on at the FBI?
Alibaba/T-HEAD's Xuantie C910
Can I still rig and animate my characters properly if I sculpted them with their arms down?
Centre Forward: A Football Animation Short Film
New to Blender 4.3.2 and having a problem
Request for Stone Texture with Diagonal Painted Bump Effect
hacking: Should they reboot Hackers?
technology: A Coup Is In Progress In America
PINE64official: Pinecil won’t heat up
As Trump's new tariffs take effect, China retaliates with a raft of measures
« Aux Etats-Unis comme en France, c’est toute la philosophie de l’aide au développement...
El Salvador offers to take in US criminals and migrants
Rubio says El Salvador will house deportees from U.S., including Americans
The Cantonese Scrolls – A Cantonese language learning mental RPG
I bought a container full of Chinese electric excavators. Here's what showed up
The Clever Design Behind Everyday Traffic Poles
No-Panic Rust: A Nice Technique for Systems Programming
The Video Game History Foundation Library Opens in Early Access
En direct, cessez-le-feu à Gaza : Donald Trump, qui doit rencontrer Benyamin Nétanyahou,...
La Chine riposte aux nouveaux tarifs douaniers de Donald Trump avec des taxes sur les hydrocarbures...
Trump is weighing big cuts to US Education Department
Show HN: Klarity – Open-source tool to analyze uncertainty/entropy in LLM output
A Homs, dans le centre la Syrie, le spectre des règlements de comptes
Le Salvador propose de recevoir des prisonniers détenus aux Etats-Unis
En direct, guerre en Ukraine : aucun soldat nord-coréen n’a été vu au combat dans la...
Elon Musk mène l’offensive trumpienne contre l’Etat fédéral, d’USAID à l’agence...
Du panarabisme au nationalisme syrien, la lente ascension d’Hafez Al-Assad
So... turns out my sculpture has 4,939,482 faces. 😭 How do I reduce the number of faces?
blender: What the camera doesn't see 🎥 How I cheat in my short films Pt.1 😉
cryptography: One-time pad integrity
Physics: Cracking Crusts Might Set a Neutron Star Speed Limit
hackers: Arma reforger servers dosed by Russian “hacker group”
netsec: Masquerade the Windows "Program Files" path with Unicode "En Quad" character.
Who won and lost as Trump's trade war is delayed - for now
Trump agrees to pause tariffs on Canada and Mexico but not on China
Bicycle Adds Reliability With Second Chain
Open Euro LLM: Open LLMs for Transparent AI in Europe
Dans les eaux troubles de la Baltique, la France et ses alliés au défi de la « guerre ...
« L’Abîme de l’oubli » : exhumer les fantômes du franquisme
Which one is better to Combine normal map?
ReverseEngineering: Lifting Binaries, Part 0: Devirtualizing VMProtect and Themida: It’s...
askscience: For animals like salmon and sea turtles that annually return to their nesting grounds,...
cryptography: Undoing A "Twirl" effect on a photo
business: Trump’s China crackdown may end tax loophole for retailers like Shein, Temu
Python: pytest-mock : Mocking in pytest - Test & Code
MeFi: *munch munch munch munch munch*