IAmA: Hi, my name is Kaniela Ing. I was first elected to the State House at 23 despite being...
photography: Some comic relief: The Millennial Marriage Proposal - Because what's the point...
spacex: Mr Steven at sea
Fishing: Please remember to pick up hooks, lures, line, etc after you're done fishing. Almost...
raspberry_pi: My raspberry pi arcade cabinet one month of work later, it runs over 200 games...
nasa: Underneath NASA’s crawler
mycology: Cup Fungi
Oxford Performance Materials targets Asia after 3D printed medical devices approved in Japan
theocho: Extreme Ironing
privacy: If You're Pissed About Facebook's Privacy Abuses, You Should Be Four Times As Angry...
bicycling: These 3 guys cut a bike into 3 pieces, tape it back together, lean it against a...
science: Switching from unhealthy to healthier diet lowers depressive symptoms more than social...
worldnews: Pope Francis tells aspiring priests to 'not be scared of tattoos' and to use them...
movies: I just realized that in The Truman Show, Truman's neighbor is holding up trash can...
Brazil’s Marielle Franco Denounced Three Murders in the Days Before Her Assassination. These...