72 Hours to Design Your Concept
Slashdot Asks: Should an Employee Be Fired For Working On Personal Side Projects During Office...
legaladvice: [MD] Landlord wants to retroactively charge me for overnight guest - taking the...
bicycling: Not Zwifting right
movies: You really need to watch 'Sing Street', a movie about how a boy discovered music and...
science: Upon using medical cannabis, patients in pain and those suffering from other medical...
McKinsey Digital Capability Center opened in Beijing to keep China up-to-date with 3D printing...
Hands on with the Pinebook
Nintendo Announces 2DS XL
WikiLeaks: RELEASE: Full source code to the CIA's anti-leak document watermarking system "...
Sunday, 1100-1300 UTC / 7-9am EDT / 20-22 JST - Falcon 9FT carrying NROL-76. https://www.y...
raspberry_pi: BEHOLD!! The worlds smallest Raspberry_Pi gaming device!!!! ready to play some...
Frugal: Money or your life!!
linux: Configuring Vim as an IDE
askscience: Are there any poisons/toxins which, if taken separately, are fatal, but if taken...
science: Science AMA Series: Hi Reddit, we're the pilots of molecule-cars from six countries...
Physics: Self-starting siphon
legaladvice: Today, my ex cashed a check I wrote over 2 years ago, for a second time (my bank...
gardening: Can't beat an orchid
programming: Should I fire a software engineer for always working on his side projects during...
Music: Humanz - Gorillaz