raspberry_pi: Local grocery store uses raspberry pi's for their Coca cola ads
financialindependence: 72(T)
esp32: FastLED esp-idf port
homeassistant: Best device to run home assistant for ~£50-£60
IBM Says Watson AI Services Will Now Work on Any Cloud
In China, Some Teachers Are Using AI To Grade Homework
Show HN: Server Hunter – Easily browse over 11,000 VPS and Dedicated Servers
Google and Facebook should be regulated for news content, UK government report
Are Intellectuals Suffering a Crisis of Meaning?
homeassistant: Garage Door Help
EngineeringPorn: Manhole cover in Wiesbaden, Germany
homeassistant: Tado integration makes A LOT of DNS queries
homeassistant: Running zigbee2mqtt on 2 pis
EF50: the Tube that Changed Everything
Samsung's Android Browser Hits 1 Billion Downloads, More Than Firefox and Opera Combined
Rust’s standard library was vulnerable for years and nobody noticed
Go 1.12 Release Candidate 1 is released
raspberry_pi: Measuring Network Bandwidth in a (Raspberry Pi) Cluster
Putting an Out of Work iPod Display to Good Use
Lufthansa Sues Passenger Who Missed His Flight in an Apparent Bid To Clamp Down on 'Hidden...
Apple Fails To Block Porn and Gambling 'Enterprise' Apps
Ludwig, a code-free deep learning toolbox
A tiny Swiss company that thinks it can help stop climate change
Incremental Learning – A continuous learning approach (2018)
CERN day 1: rebuilding the first web browser
Vim Is Saving Me Hours of Work When Writing Books and Courses
RetroPie: Hotkeys Not Working
homeassistant: Template sensor no value
ArtisanVideos: Making a BLACK Leather Credit Card Wallet
EngineeringPorn: that looks handy
esp32: MicroPython TFT Driver for 9bit Serial
financialindependence: FIRE vs mental health
homeassistant: Blink integration - "Unauthorized Access" - account locked out.
esp8266: Esp 8266 Wi-Fi Deauther.
homeassistant: zigbee and HA
Security Engineering: Inside the Scooter Startups
Tinder-Style App For Cows Tries To Help the Meat Market
3D printed sutrode stimulates nerves to improve biological functions
McCarthy's Ambiguous Operator (2005)
gundeals: [Handgun] Tired of being called “Un-American”? Prove the haters wrong with a...
homeautomation: Exactly one year of tinkering with Home Assistant
AskElectronics: Trying to understand current mirrors
Welding: Utility welder on a northern BC pipeline. Dodge 3500, Lincoln Cross country 300. VMAC...
IBM's AI Loses To a Human Debater
Xiaomi's Popular Electric Scooter M365 Can Be Hacked To Speed Up or Stop
museum: Lawren Harris - Lake Superior (c. 1923) [5681x5004]
AskElectronics: What is this component I just broke?
RTLSDR: Got my first SSTV image from the ISS. Used horizontal V antenna and Robot36 Android app!
science: “AI paediatrician” makes diagnoses from records better than some doctors: Researchers...
Email Provider VFEmail Suffers ‘Catastrophic’ Hack
MeFi: all the wrong answers are interesting
datasets: Rice leaf images
zfs: Rebooted during scrub, ZFS panics blkptr has invalid type 99 trying to import the pool....
esp32: How to access the internal cosine waveform generator data?
Blockchain and Trust
A Malicious WiFi Backdoor In A Keyboard’s Clothing
What It's Like To Work Inside Apple's 'Black Site'
NASA installs Tethers Unlimited Refabricator on the ISS that recycles plastic for 3D prints
Show HN: Open source balloon sim with Three.js
RetroPie: more of an EmulationStation question but how do I hide floppy image disk sets of...
homestead: Meet Teddy-Our newest homestead member
homelab: Updated hole-in-the-wall
DataHoarder: With Russia going offline for a "test" some time soon I'm currently logging t...
Lamborghini uses Carbon 3D printing for production of auto parts at scale
datasets: Looking for a dataset of pre and post processed images.
AskElectronics: How to read a UPS/Inverter label correctly
EngineeringPorn: Solar panel flower array
La France, meilleure cliente de Vinted, site de vente en ligne de vêtements d’occasion
Android Phones Can Be Hacked Remotely by Viewing Malicious PNG Image
Tiny Amplifier With ATtiny
Reddit Users Are the Least Valuable of Any Social Network
openwrt: Can openwrt solve ping spikes caused by my router?
Unity Technologies Targeting 2020 IPO
openwrt: Help with setting up WAN port
esp8266: NodeMCU won't start without connecting gpio15 to GND
Openrsync imported into the tree
Mars One, which offered 1-way trips to Mars, declared bankrupt
ArtisanVideos: Animating a Lip Sync
Tritium Tesseract Makes A Nifty Nightlight
New iPhones To Stick With Lightning Over USB-C, Include Slow-Charging 5W USB-A Charger In Box
MeFi: newly-public-domain hobo-related news
zfs: whats zfs write behavior when slog device is not there ?
esp8266: What does this look like?
MeFi: Play This Game, Plan Your Dinner
The Mathematics of the Rubik’s Cube (2009) [pdf]
AMD Ryzen 5 2500X and Ryzen 3 2300X CPU Review
Forge – Work with Git forges from the comfort of Magit
US iPhone users spent, on average, $79 on apps last year, up 36% from 2017
Apple and Google accused of hosting Saudi gov't app that tracks women
Reddit confirms $300M Series D led by China’s Tencent at $3B value
DataHoarder: The Navy Needs 2 Tons of Storage Devices Burned to Ash
specializedtools: Bamboo slicer
Learn About BGP With The Internet Of EvE
FDA Warns Supplement Makers To Stop Touting Cures For Diseases and Cancer
Welding: Just a little somethin-somethin I built
World’s oldest known wild bird is a mother again on Midway Atoll
gundeals: [NFA] Silencerco Maxim 9mm - $1301.10 Shipped - Titanium Cerakote - The OTHER Space Gat
AskElectronics: STM32 Capsense ESD protection circuit question
Android Phones Can Be Hacked Remotely By Viewing Malicious PNG Image
Private Mossad for Hire