Gates Foundation Annual Letter
Show HN: DeskGap – Like Electron, but uses the system webview
foraging: ID?
homeautomation: Dim Lutron Caseta below factory settings
financialindependence: Simplified monthly saving rate estimates for FIRE
datasets: Clash of Clans app store 50k user reviews
MeFi: Pomegranates: all other deseeding approaches are inferior
Sql: One of the most valuable skills
ArtisanVideos: Realistic 3D cat art with felt
Patch Tuesday, February 2019 Edition
Eating Processed Foods Tied To Shorter Life, Study Suggests
MeFi: Death and valor on a warship doomed by its own Navy
gundeals: [Shotgun] MOSSBERG 590 MARINER 12 GAUGE 20" BARREL 3" CHAMBER 8+1 MARINECOTE 50299...
Love Songs To The Microphone
Publishers Chafe At Apple's Terms For 'Netflix For News' Subscription Service As It Demands...
“Catastrophic” hack wipes out email provider’s entire infrastructure
Principled GraphQL
Activision-Blizzard lays off 775 people after “record results in 2018”
museum: Lucian Freud (1922-2011), Dead Bird
homedefense: Best martial art to learn over 40?
AskElectronics: Is this a Gas Discharge tube?
AskElectronics: The sub lately
Welding: Thermal Lancing in a confined space.
homelab: Home Lab Progress
homeassistant: Exactly one year of tinkering with Home Assistant
Activision Blizzard Cuts 8% of Jobs Amid 'Record Results In 2018'
gundeals: [Handgun] PSA Walther PPS M2 6rd/7rd mags - $269 w/ Free Shipping
Freeform Wire Frame Tulip Blooms To The Touch
California Will Not Complete $77 Billion High-Speed Rail Project
KDE Plasma 5.15 Released
MeFi: A 4 Day Week
Reading in the Age of Constant Distraction
postmarketOS: PostmarketOS on OnePlus One (bacon)
Ask Slashdot: Is It Ethical To Purchase Electronics Products Made In China?
Apple fails to block porn and gambling “enterprise” apps
California will not complete $77B high-speed rail project: governor
specializedtools: Bottle Bot
science: The way Trump talks may make him seem like an outlier in American politics but a new...
Researchers Use Intel SGX To Put Malware Beyond the Reach of Antivirus Software
Facebook Glitch Lets You Search For Pictures of Your Female Friends, But Not Your Male Ones
How the Brain Creates a Timeline of the Past
Volt: Fast native desktop client for Slack and Skype
Bootstrap 5 will remove jQuery as a dependency
ArtisanVideos: Oil Painting Landscape By Yasser Fayad
zfs: How to find vdev_id.conf file arguments
ArtisanVideos: Icheon Master Hand: Kim Seong Tae
RetroPie: Bartop Arcade Cabinet as cheap as possible.
esp8266: Rust in esp8266
Every Digital Clock Is Made Of Analog Components
Square CEO Jack Dorsey Says Bitcoin's Lightning Is Coming To Cash App
Google warns about two iOS zero-days 'exploited in the wild'
1991 – a server-side web framework written in Forth
Ubisoft And Mozilla Announce AI Coding Assistant Clever-Commit
Hackers Wipe US Servers of Email Provider VFEmail
Drivers claim Uber won’t pay fees to launch forced arbitration cases
Two Large Chinese Borrowers Miss Bond Payments, Sources Say
AskElectronics: FPGA Question - Shared memory in Verilog between modules?
AskElectronics: Need help creating a circuit that takes in a signal and then runs for a set...
Toilet Seat Could Save Your Ass
'You've Won $72 Million and a Mercedes Benz': Phone Scammer Gets 6 Years in Prison After He...
MeFi: Etiquette Guide for Surviving the Workplace for Autistic People of Color
One Crash 10 Years Ago Helped Keep 90M Flights Safe
No, the problem isn't “bad coders”
openwrt: Return to stock from OpenWRT - WNDR3400v2
seedexchange: Rare west African plants for trade
homestead: Putting in an offer on 8.5 acres next week! We are totally new to this, but so excited!
homedefense: Defence against forced entry attacks
ArtisanVideos: Pastry Chef Attempts to Make Gourmet Ferrero Rocher | Gourmet Makes | Bon Appétit...
raspberry_pi: Local grocery store uses raspberry pi's for their Coca cola ads
financialindependence: 72(T)
esp32: FastLED esp-idf port
homeassistant: Best device to run home assistant for ~£50-£60
IBM Says Watson AI Services Will Now Work on Any Cloud
In China, Some Teachers Are Using AI To Grade Homework
Show HN: Server Hunter – Easily browse over 11,000 VPS and Dedicated Servers
Google and Facebook should be regulated for news content, UK government report
Are Intellectuals Suffering a Crisis of Meaning?
homeassistant: Garage Door Help
EngineeringPorn: Manhole cover in Wiesbaden, Germany
homeassistant: Tado integration makes A LOT of DNS queries
homeassistant: Running zigbee2mqtt on 2 pis
EF50: the Tube that Changed Everything
Samsung's Android Browser Hits 1 Billion Downloads, More Than Firefox and Opera Combined
Rust’s standard library was vulnerable for years and nobody noticed
Go 1.12 Release Candidate 1 is released
raspberry_pi: Measuring Network Bandwidth in a (Raspberry Pi) Cluster
Putting an Out of Work iPod Display to Good Use
Lufthansa Sues Passenger Who Missed His Flight in an Apparent Bid To Clamp Down on 'Hidden...
Apple Fails To Block Porn and Gambling 'Enterprise' Apps
Ludwig, a code-free deep learning toolbox
A tiny Swiss company that thinks it can help stop climate change
Incremental Learning – A continuous learning approach (2018)
CERN day 1: rebuilding the first web browser
Vim Is Saving Me Hours of Work When Writing Books and Courses
RetroPie: Hotkeys Not Working
homeassistant: Template sensor no value
ArtisanVideos: Making a BLACK Leather Credit Card Wallet
EngineeringPorn: that looks handy
esp32: MicroPython TFT Driver for 9bit Serial
financialindependence: FIRE vs mental health