RetroPie: Browsing and installing your owned GOG games on the Pie
Ask MeFi: The Mysteries of the Human Body
3Doodler App turns your smartphone screen into a 3D printing pen canvas
financialindependence: Daily FI discussion thread - February 14, 2019
USB Cable with Embedded Wi-Fi Controller
The Future Of Fritzing Is Murky At Best
Smart Cat Shelter Uses AI To Let Strays Inside, Keep Dogs Out
Anti-Application video for YC120
homestead: The builders mostly finished our future front porch today - I'm loving this view!
AskElectronics: I want to make this a hobby, but I'm clueless about electronics. Any recom...
RTLSDR: Next ISS SSTV event! 15th Feb 08:45 UTC - 17th Feb 17:25 UTC
specializedtools: Brioche Bun Divider
Airbus Is Giving Up On the A380
Memcached – Caching Beyond RAM: Riding the Cliff
DataHoarder: PSA: Pornhub is offering free Premium for Valentine's Day! Go redeem it and use...
RetroPie: Video capture from a Raspberry Pi
RetroPie: Used 3D-Bench to test PC speeds 30 years ago. Now I use it to test PC/DOS emulators. :)
esp8266: Wemos D1 mini and RTC time drift
Creating Coherent Sound Beams, Easily
Personal Information of 14.8 Million 500px Users Exposed In Security Breach
Airbus will stop building the A380 in 2021
AskElectronics: Converting a cheap headband lamp to LED. What do I need?
financialindependence: what do your yearly expenses look like in your daily life?
esp32: ESP32 Projects: Mail Alarm
esp32: ESP32 Arduino async server Tutorial: Controlling HTTP methods allowed
Reddit Transparency Report 2018
The Theory of Relational Databases (1983)
openwrt: Slow wi-fi speed
AskElectronics: Burned myself with Soldering iron
homelab: I recently learned what a reverse proxy is, how have I lived without one for so long?...
RetroPie: New Raspberry Pi challenger promises 7x the speed at 2x the price, with Android 9...
The Vedolyzer Was High Tech Repair Gear For 1939
Your GPS Devices May Stop Working On April 6 If You Don't Or Can't Update Firmware
homeautomation: Smart home TV alerts custom integration
homedefense: Any other mobile apps for hikvision DVR
Bomb Threat Hoaxer Exposed by Hacked Gaming Site
DataHoarder: For my video archival hoarders: thought i'd share my DIY archival rack I finally...
science: Microdosing psychedelics reduces depression and mind wandering but increases neuroticism,...
MeFi: 58% Interest + 25% Confusion +8 Awe + 8% Realization
Three-Conductor Pivot for E-Textiles is Better Than Wires
Laser Light Show Turned Into Graphical Equalizer
Electric Car Batteries Might Be Worth Recycling, But Bus Batteries Aren't Yet
Red Hat Satellite to Drop MongoDB and Standardize on PostgreSQL Database
science: Vitamin D has been found to speed up the clearance of tuberculosis (TB) bacteria from...
Netflix Has Saved Every Choice You've Ever Made In 'Black Mirror: Bandersnatch'
Fast Perfect Hashing
Lawyer in Charge of Apple’s Insider-Trading Policy Accused of Insider Trading
Handling 1M websocket connections in Go
Tell HN: Node.js koa-router package transferred to unknown user
Linux Reverse Engineering CTFs for Beginners
datasets: Where do you find inspiration for your research questions before you start mining data?
museum: Mary Beale - Arabella Churchill (c. 1660s)
foraging: Nettles still have sting after dehydrated?
Welding: I made a windmill for my flower bed
homeassistant: PSA Hassio Users
Google Will Spend $13 Billion On US Real Estate In 2019
MeFi: Rest well, rover. Your mission is complete.
Terrapattern – A visual search tool for satellite imagery
foraging: Wild Edible Books
homeassistant: has ecobee been complete garbage for anyone else lately?
How India's Single Time Zone Is Hurting Its People
Game of Thrones Hacker Worked With US Defector To Hack Air Force Employees of Iran
MeFi: Is There an Optimal Diet for Humans?
Show HN: I implemented Pong as a cellular automaton
Lessons from Google's Geographical GDPR Goof
FCC threatens carriers with 'regulatory intervention' over robocalls
zfs: Encrypt an existing pool by consecutive resilvering
gundeals: [handgun] Let everyone know you’re on the spectrum with this .380 Taurus Spectrum...
homeassistant: Xiaomi Temperature & Humidity Sensors: A Warning
The Empire Strikes Back With The ESP8266
Shlayer Malware Disables macOS Gatekeeper To Run Unsigned Payloads
You Can Now Run Windows 10 on the Raspberry Pi 3
datasets: Median Household Income by Zipcode
OpenBazaar: Subscriptions in OpenBazaar?
Google Play Store App Rejections Up 55% From Last Year, App Suspensions Up 66%
The Stolen Equifax Data Has Never Been Found, Experts Suspect a Spy Scheme
Fyre Festival Was a Huge Scam. Is Netflix’s Fyre Documentary a Scam, Too?
The text of Article 13 and the EU Copyright Directive has been finalised
ArtisanVideos: Magnetic saw guide by Mikhandmaker - x-posted from r/homemadetools
AskElectronics: How can I convert analog to digital?
Palm-Sized Gatling Gun Has 32 Mini Elastics With Your Name On Them
FCC Chairman Warns of 'Regulatory Intervention' as He Criticizes Carriers' Anti-Robocall Plans
Canada's forests emit more carbon than they absorb
Why can’t a bot tick the 'I'm not a robot' box?
Nasa’s Mars Rover Opportunity Concludes a 15-Year Mission
homeautomation: Things they don't tell you about IKEA Trådfri
ArtisanVideos: Master Sushi Chef Jackson Yu - Michelin Star: 2016, 2017, 2018
AskElectronics: Can I use a switching power supply for an LCD driver + Raspberry Pi
homelab: Dual Zotac GTX 1080s in a PowerEdge R720 (more info in comments)
Most Online 'Terms of Service' Are Incomprehensible To Adults, Study Finds
Left To Their Own Devices, Pricing Algorithms Resort To Collusion
Nasa makes final attempt to communicate with Mars rover
Amazon in Its Prime: Doubles Profits, Pays $0 in Federal Income Taxes
gundeals: [Parts] Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS) Bundle from 80PBuilder, 20% Off - Now $439.99
raspberry_pi: You Can Now Run Windows 10 on the Raspberry Pi 3
Three-Conductor Pivot for E-Textiles is Better Than Wires
NASA's Mars Rover Opportunity Concludes a 15-Year Mission
Earnest Capital is live
EngineeringPorn: Gyroscopic pool table on a cruise ship
OpenBazaar: Can't move data to another computer