The LG G8 Has a Vibrating OLED Screen For a Speaker
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Deep Feature Extraction
esp8266: Alexa esp8266 help
New Part Day: A RISC-V CPU For Eight Dollars
New AI Fake Text Generator May Be Too Dangerous To Release, Say Creators
MetaTalk: Subreddit recommendations
Ask HN: How to find profitable side project idea?
gundeals: [Handgun] Shopping for a future forgotten weapon? Hudson H9 for $723 and $15 shipping.
DataHoarder: 1 TB SSD prices down 50% since 2018
RetroPie: Stayed up late last night setting up a raspberry pi. I know what game I'll be playing...
esp8266: esp8266 help
Facebook Security Keeps a Detailed 'Lookout' List of Threats, Including Users and Former Employees,...
No Link Between Violent Video Games and Increased Aggression in Teens, Study Finds
MeFi: someone once told me the real action was in the footnotes
Better Language Models and Their Implications
Cloudflare beats patent troll
RISC-V on the Verge of Broad Adoption
homedefense: How can I connect to an old camera left from the previous house owners?w
EngineeringPorn: Nailed it!
esp8266: Tweets based on Wireless XBox 360 Controller button presses using a WeMos D1 R2
homeassistant: Config warning - double underscores?
homeassistant: How do I group automatons?
Supercon 2018: Mike Szczys and the State of the Hackaday
'This Person Does Not Exist' Website Uses AI To Create Realistic Yet Horrifying Faces
Data science is different now
Exposure to Glyphosate-Based Herbicides Increases Risk for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
JP Morgan Unveils USD-Backed Cryptocurrency for B2B Payments
You don't need to quit your job to make
Introducing draft pull requests
homestead: Both are a liiiiiittle skeptical of each other
specializedtools: This nail-dispensing hammer
specializedtools: This ladder/creeper for reaching over model railroads
raspberry_pi: Odroid-N2 SBC: April release, has hexa-core Amlogic S922X and $63 to $79 price
homeassistant: SmartThings component in Hassio... how do I get the battery and temp from sensors?
homeassistant: Samba Issues
Text Projector With — You Know — Lasers
New Part Day : A sensor chip for 3D color X-Ray imaging
Developers Accuse Sony of 'Playing Favorites' With PS4's Cross-Platform Support
Innovative Cultures
gundeals: [Magazine] Translucent Red Lancers back in stock at GunMagWarehouse - $18.49 + shipping...
homeassistant: TP-Link Device Tracker not 'releasing' router admin console
homeassistant: Can't install any addons? System crashes (
financialindependence: Friendly reminder that "I want to FIRE, how am I doing, advice appreciated"...
OpenBazaar: A big software announcement is coming next week
JPMorgan Chase Announces JPM Coin, Becomes First Big US Bank With Own Cryptocurrency
TablePlus – Native GUI tool for relational databases (2018)
I Bought a House with Solar Panels
Fully managed PostgreSQL databases
Amazon Pulls Out of Planned New York City Campus
homedefense: New house not wired for alarm, what are my options
Welding: Ran out of sticks so I had to resort to pretzels
esp8266: Compile errors with ESP8266 when trying some simple WiFi code samples
Text Projector With — You Know — Lasers
Software Pirates Use Apple Tech To Put Hacked Apps on iPhones
The Internet, Divided Between the US and China, Has Become a Battleground
Amazon Pulls Out of Planned New York City Campus
Researchers integrate microfluidic system into DLW 3D printer for multimaterial nanoprinting
Amateur astronomers tracking the world’s spy satellites
datasets: [OC] I'm compiling a dataset of how much companies and hackers make selling various...
ArtisanVideos: Air brush painting on a helmet [13:22]
homeassistant: Struggling with an automation
homeassistant: Plex http error. Changed my domain so trying to fix this
The Problem With Self-Driving Cars: The Name
Africa's Black Panthers Emerge From a Century in the Shadows
A Love Letter to the People Who Build the Internet Archive
Sloth – Mac app that shows all open files and sockets in use
AskElectronics: Is the Ground pin on my Arduino the same Ground as in putting one of the ends...
museum: Juan Downey - Map of America (1975)
homedefense: Looking to setup a single ubiquiti camera (UVC G3 FLEX). Would this require an...
EngineeringPorn: Fold up sword
science: No evidence playing violent video games leads to aggressive behaviour in teens, suggests...
homelab: I just wanted to run plex, now we are here
OpenBazaar: OpenBazaar Developer call today at 11am EST - Open to public
Man With 3-D-Printed Gun Had Hit List of Lawmakers, US Says
Open Source Project Aims To Make Ubuntu Usable on Arm-Powered Windows Laptops
Problem solving with Unix commands
RetroPie: Browsing and installing your owned GOG games on the Pie
Ask MeFi: The Mysteries of the Human Body
3Doodler App turns your smartphone screen into a 3D printing pen canvas
financialindependence: Daily FI discussion thread - February 14, 2019
USB Cable with Embedded Wi-Fi Controller
The Future Of Fritzing Is Murky At Best
Smart Cat Shelter Uses AI To Let Strays Inside, Keep Dogs Out
Anti-Application video for YC120
homestead: The builders mostly finished our future front porch today - I'm loving this view!
AskElectronics: I want to make this a hobby, but I'm clueless about electronics. Any recom...
RTLSDR: Next ISS SSTV event! 15th Feb 08:45 UTC - 17th Feb 17:25 UTC
specializedtools: Brioche Bun Divider
Airbus Is Giving Up On the A380
Memcached – Caching Beyond RAM: Riding the Cliff
DataHoarder: PSA: Pornhub is offering free Premium for Valentine's Day! Go redeem it and use...
RetroPie: Video capture from a Raspberry Pi
RetroPie: Used 3D-Bench to test PC speeds 30 years ago. Now I use it to test PC/DOS emulators. :)
esp8266: Wemos D1 mini and RTC time drift
Creating Coherent Sound Beams, Easily
Personal Information of 14.8 Million 500px Users Exposed In Security Breach
Airbus will stop building the A380 in 2021
AskElectronics: Converting a cheap headband lamp to LED. What do I need?
financialindependence: what do your yearly expenses look like in your daily life?
esp32: ESP32 Projects: Mail Alarm