MeFi: The League of Not Extraordinary and Not So Gentle Men
homeassistant: Are these supported?
OpenBazaar: Log on from another device?
Reconstructing SIGSALY
esp32: Enginursday: Using Both ESP32 Cores
esp32: Wemos Lolin = ESP32 + OLED on one board
homeassistant: HOW TO: Transfer sensor data to Google Sheets
Juicing Up the Chevy Volt with Raspberry Pi
homelab: Today on "oh crap what did I just bought..."
homeassistant: Using events to trigger actions
homeassistant: Roborock S55 Firmware update 3.3.9_001702
esp8266: 5V, 3V or GND?
esp32: FabGL Turns Your ESP32 Into a VGA Gaming Platform
COB LED Teardown
8-Character Windows NTLM Passwords Can Be Cracked In Under 2.5 Hours
Marp: Markdown Presentation Writer
homelab: I just wanted to run PLEX, now we are here.
24 years of Delphi and Delphi 10.3.1 is out Today
Chrome Will Soon Let You Share Links to a Specific Word or Sentence on a Page
homelab: I just wanted to run plex, now we are here
datasets: Open Dataset of Searchable Company Descriptions
3D bioprinted BioMask could quickly heal facial skin wounds
RTLSDR: Exagear discontinuing services and products at the end of this month
raspberry_pi: Hacking my Volt with a Raspberry Pi - Part 3: Demonstration
Python Script Sends Each Speaker Its Own Sound File
James Cameron's Alita: Battle Angel Released After Sixteen Years
AskElectronics: LCD with a hole in the middle.
gundeals: [Pistol] You say you want a pistol that looks like it was cobbled together from the...
museum: Rembrandt - Lucrecia (1666)
ArtisanVideos: Restoring a rare antique blower [29:27]
Welding: Man’s daughter won a welding skills festival!
homeassistant: Having trouble installing alongside existing docker in Ubuntu
Sample cloud-native application with microservices
FPGA Makes Digital Analog Computer
Renewables Will Be World's Main Power Source By 2040, Says BP
MeFi: Cortex's beautiful stained glass piece
PostgreSQL 11 Reestablishes Window Functions Leadership
Replacing JavaScript Hot Path with WebAssembly
homedefense: Simple IP camera (no cloud, no privacy concerns)
financialindependence: Have any of you done the FIRE and then something happened and you were...
Show HN: Scannable Chess Scoresheets
Opening the Filecoin Project Repos
Welding: Officially passed my UA60 and am now a certified welder! So happy I left corporate...
homeautomation: My challenge: Install a Nest Hello here.
esp32: Recommendation of ESP32 board with LTE-M/NB-IOT modem
science: People who are "night owls" and those who are "morning larks" have a fundamental ...
Ask Slashdot: Could Android and iOS Become Popular Desktop Operating Systems?
Common Weed Killer Glyphosate Increases Risk of Cancer By 41 Percent, Study Says
Launch HN: Glide (YC W19) – Mobile Apps from Google Sheets
Moving from Ruby to Rust
AskElectronics: Remote ADC synchronization
homeassistant: Making a manual alarm slightly cleverererer..
Be Ready To Roll With Universal Electronic Dice
Insurance Giant Allstate Buys Independent Phone Repair Company, Joins Right To Repair Movement
Year-Over-Year Smartwatch Sales Jumped By 61% In the US Last Year
Regulate Facebook and Twitter? The Case Is Getting Stronger
Love, the flaming center of our universe. #HappyValen...
AskElectronics: Help with Db, attenuation and PF
foraging: Got a chonker today
Opera Shows Off Its Smart New Redesign That's Just Like All the Other Browsers
Americans Cross Border into Mexico to Buy Insulin
darknetplan: Althea Development Update #65: The Quantum Leap
foraging: Gauges ... theyre tiny!
esp8266: [Tuto] : Temperature & Humidity Monitoring Using the ESP-01 & DHT
Now Hackaday Looks Great on the Small Screen Too
Hacker Who Stole 620 Million Records Strikes Again, Stealing 127 Million More
The LG G8 Has a Vibrating OLED Screen For a Speaker
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Deep Feature Extraction
esp8266: Alexa esp8266 help
New Part Day: A RISC-V CPU For Eight Dollars
New AI Fake Text Generator May Be Too Dangerous To Release, Say Creators
MetaTalk: Subreddit recommendations
Ask HN: How to find profitable side project idea?
gundeals: [Handgun] Shopping for a future forgotten weapon? Hudson H9 for $723 and $15 shipping.
DataHoarder: 1 TB SSD prices down 50% since 2018
RetroPie: Stayed up late last night setting up a raspberry pi. I know what game I'll be playing...
esp8266: esp8266 help
Facebook Security Keeps a Detailed 'Lookout' List of Threats, Including Users and Former Employees,...
No Link Between Violent Video Games and Increased Aggression in Teens, Study Finds
MeFi: someone once told me the real action was in the footnotes
Better Language Models and Their Implications
Cloudflare beats patent troll
RISC-V on the Verge of Broad Adoption
homedefense: How can I connect to an old camera left from the previous house owners?w
EngineeringPorn: Nailed it!
esp8266: Tweets based on Wireless XBox 360 Controller button presses using a WeMos D1 R2
homeassistant: Config warning - double underscores?
homeassistant: How do I group automatons?
Supercon 2018: Mike Szczys and the State of the Hackaday
'This Person Does Not Exist' Website Uses AI To Create Realistic Yet Horrifying Faces
Data science is different now
Exposure to Glyphosate-Based Herbicides Increases Risk for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
JP Morgan Unveils USD-Backed Cryptocurrency for B2B Payments
You don't need to quit your job to make
Introducing draft pull requests
homestead: Both are a liiiiiittle skeptical of each other
specializedtools: This nail-dispensing hammer
specializedtools: This ladder/creeper for reaching over model railroads
raspberry_pi: Odroid-N2 SBC: April release, has hexa-core Amlogic S922X and $63 to $79 price
homeassistant: SmartThings component in Hassio... how do I get the battery and temp from sensors?