GAO Gives Congress Go-ahead For a GDPR-like Privacy Legislation
raspberry_pi: A complete 6V powering unit you will ever need!
signalidentification: Signal on 428.062
OpenBazaar: 🔦 WEEKLY SPOTLIGHT - Buy & Sell for BTC, BCH, LTC or ZEC - Share your OpenBazaar...
Robot Squeezes Suspected Nuclear Fuel Debris in Fukushima Reactor
US Investigators Probing Years of WikiLeaks Activities, Report Says
C# 8: Switch expressions
Visa, Mastercard mull increasing fees for processing transactions: WSJ
homestead: Some new babies joined us this morning.
financialindependence: Anyone else driven to FIRE due to substantial job insecurity?
signalidentification: Signal on 344.991 Mhz
OpenBazaar: Whats OpenBazaars sales volume?
Understanding Math Rather Than Merely Learning It
Copyright Office Refuses Registration for 'Fresh Prince' Star Alfonso Ribeiro's "Carlton Dance"
science: New molecules reverse memory loss linked to depression and aging, in preclinical mouse...
science: Chinese scientists developed what they call a “rat cyborg” that can be controlled...
esp32: A lean C++ http server and app router. Handcrafted for esp32.
Airbus To Halt Production Of The A380; Goodbye to an Engineering Triumph
Amazon Will Pay $0 in Federal Taxes on $11.2 Billion Profits
An Insect-bot Mimics Desert Ants by Looking at the Sky To Navigate
Why has Plan 9 chosen statically linked binaries instead of dynamic ones? (2004)
Spectre is here to stay: An analysis of side-channels and speculative execution
Don’t Get Clever with Login Forms
zfs: Is there a way to clear "Permanent errors" in files that are long, long gone?
esp8266: Valentine’s day e-paper photo frame
homelab: It's not pretty, but it's mine
DataHoarder: 84GB of Video Game Commercials
RetroPie: RetroPie cabinet ready!
specializedtools: Specialized tool used to separate dust and rocks
Hackaday Podcast Ep6 – Reversing iPod Screens, Hot Isotopes, We <3 Parts, and Biometric ...
NASA's SPHEREx Mission Will Investigate the Origins of the Universe
Altavista: The rise and fall of the biggest pre-Google search engine
openwrt: The official open wrt
gundeals: [Handgun]Rock Island M1911-A1 GI Standard 10mm Auto 8rd 5" $389.98+12.99 shipping
Building a Semiautomatic Swag Launcher
Night Shift
Interviews: Ask Social Network CEO and Founder Bill Ottman a Question
Venezuela's Government Appears To be Trying To Hack Activists With Phishing Pages
Prusa releases Original Prusa i3 MK3S 3D printer and MMU2S upgrades
My Chromecast Ultra would not start until I began answering
financialindependence: Coming very soon: daily “Help Me FIRE!” thread for exchange of insight...
homestead: Chickens 101: How to Get Started
homeautomation: CT-80 (no cloud) + NodeRED + (free)
homedefense: Need Help picking a BI server
EngineeringPorn: Inventor George Hutton working on his mechanical elephant “Jumbo” in 1938
specializedtools: root remover
In Space, No One Can Hear You Explode: The Byford Dolphin Incident
Visa, Mastercard Mull Increasing Fees For Processing Transactions: Report
The Lonely Life of a Yacht Influencer
The complicated business of funding open source software development
museum: Vincent van Gogh - Olive Orchard (1889)
science: Scientists make an environmentally friendly prototype water purifier constructed from...
AskElectronics: Advice needed - PCB lifted SMD pad
financialindependence: How are you managing to support your family and your parents during...
OpenBazaar: Why doesn't OB accept DAI? That will add a unique feature.
Nvidia CEO Foresees a Great Year for PC Gaming Laptops
After Calls For an Edit Button, Twitter Says it is Considering a 'Clarification' Feature
Scientists call for ban on lethal, autonomous robots
museum: Vincent van Gogh - Laboureur dans un champ (1889)
Welding: So apparently this is a trend these days.
ArtisanVideos: I brewed beer at home for 12 years before opening a brewery last year. Here...
RTLSDR: Soo I went back to using coat hangar..copper did not work as intended, and I got this...
OpenBazaar: I have/had two OB stores on the old version of the software. Should I just set up fresh?
esp8266: I tried to convert IR remote controlled RGB LED strip in to Smart LED. Can controlled...
Facebook Settlement With FTC Could Run Into the Billions
MeFi: This Person Does Not Exist
MeFi: The League of Not Extraordinary and Not So Gentle Men
homeassistant: Are these supported?
OpenBazaar: Log on from another device?
Reconstructing SIGSALY
esp32: Enginursday: Using Both ESP32 Cores
esp32: Wemos Lolin = ESP32 + OLED on one board
homeassistant: HOW TO: Transfer sensor data to Google Sheets
Juicing Up the Chevy Volt with Raspberry Pi
homelab: Today on "oh crap what did I just bought..."
homeassistant: Using events to trigger actions
homeassistant: Roborock S55 Firmware update 3.3.9_001702
esp8266: 5V, 3V or GND?
esp32: FabGL Turns Your ESP32 Into a VGA Gaming Platform
COB LED Teardown
8-Character Windows NTLM Passwords Can Be Cracked In Under 2.5 Hours
Marp: Markdown Presentation Writer
homelab: I just wanted to run PLEX, now we are here.
24 years of Delphi and Delphi 10.3.1 is out Today
Chrome Will Soon Let You Share Links to a Specific Word or Sentence on a Page
homelab: I just wanted to run plex, now we are here
datasets: Open Dataset of Searchable Company Descriptions
3D bioprinted BioMask could quickly heal facial skin wounds
RTLSDR: Exagear discontinuing services and products at the end of this month
raspberry_pi: Hacking my Volt with a Raspberry Pi - Part 3: Demonstration
Python Script Sends Each Speaker Its Own Sound File
James Cameron's Alita: Battle Angel Released After Sixteen Years
AskElectronics: LCD with a hole in the middle.
gundeals: [Pistol] You say you want a pistol that looks like it was cobbled together from the...
museum: Rembrandt - Lucrecia (1666)
ArtisanVideos: Restoring a rare antique blower [29:27]
Welding: Man’s daughter won a welding skills festival!
homeassistant: Having trouble installing alongside existing docker in Ubuntu
Sample cloud-native application with microservices
FPGA Makes Digital Analog Computer