homedefense: Running cable for POE enabled cameras
blender: Link and Pikachu 3D Sketch
Microsoft’s New MT-DNN Outperforms Google BERT
Finding Lena Forsen, the Patron Saint of JPEGs
What ABC called "pink slime," USDA now says can be labeled "ground beef"
AskElectronics: My Oscilloscopes trace is walking.
RetroPie: Trouble after cloning SD
AskElectronics: Need help finding a replacement for this transformer
specializedtools: Laser cutter for nuclear decommissioning
The Magnetic Rubik’s Cube
homelab: My Kubernetes cluster for school research
esp8266: Stupid accident with capacitor
Facebook Becomes 'A Haven For the Anti-Vaccination Movement'
Making My Own USB Keyboard from Scratch
homestead: Blood Oranges are ready to be harvested!
homeassistant: Better way of controlling AC units?
Color Spaces
The Rest of Us Always Knew Churchill Was a Villain
DataHoarder: Nickel and Dime Novels Hoard (135GB)
DataHoarder: Step by step instructions for creating 1:1 backup solution.
homeassistant: Automating home fragrances/air fresheners?
Drones Rain Down Rat Poison on the Galapagos
NASA's Plans To Build A Human Settlement on The Moon
MeFi: unbelievably me
Artificial intelligence, algorithmic pricing, and collusion
Startup Credits – Free/discounted plans for startups
Why I hate the weekends
Why CISA Issued Our First Emergency Directive
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openwrt: Router recommendation for VPN client + VPN server + TOR client
gundeals: [Other] Harbor Freight Apache 3800 Case - Pelican 1450 Knockoff - $29.99 with coupon...
science: Men Who Can Do More Than 40 Push-Ups Far Less Likely To Develop Heart Disease
Star of Film 'Downfall' and Widespread 'Hitler Finds Out...' Meme, Dead At 77
Is it creepy when brands pester you on social media?
openwrt: Can't set DNS Server permanently / does not survive reboot
homeassistant: Conditional directions map?
Lobbyists Demonize 'Right To Repair' Legislation
Why I hate the weekends
Welding: I build these in my free time in trade school
homedefense: LTS Cameras
What Can We Learn From The Retraction of the Mediterranean Diet Study?
Bruce Perens Calls For Open Source, Security, and Data Rights In IBM Ad
Spoofing Google Search Results
datasets: Looking for of Dataset of whiskey and cigars
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openwrt: Linksys WRT-1900ACS running OpenWRT keep losing WiFi
museum: Claude Monet - Bathers at La Grenouillere (1869)
EngineeringPorn: This is how it should ALWAYS be done.
AskElectronics: Adjustable constant current driver with SPI or I²C interface?
homeassistant: Is there a way to zoom in on Android? (2 finger method to zoom pictures)
postmarketOS: SirCmpwn playing with Sway and pmOS on the Librem 5 devkit
Biodegradable Implants Supercharge Nerve Regeneration
Misleading Results From Widely-Used Machine-Learning Data Analysis Techniques
U.S. Student Debt in ‘Serious Delinquency’ Tops $166B
seedswap: Advice on saving seeds
openwrt: DNS leaks on WireGuard setup with Mullvad VPN on openwrt
homelab: Gave my lacklab some much needed cable management
DataHoarder: Update: The Verge responded to the Bitwit and ReviewTechUSA copyright strike.
Report That Tesla Autopilot Cuts Crashes By 40% Called 'Bogus'
Facebook's security team tracks posts, location for 'BOLO' threat list
We Must Revive Gopherspace (2017)
openwrt: Error relocating /usr/sbin/iw: __fixunssfsi: symbol not found
raspberry_pi: The Raspberry Pi store - Cambridge
homeautomation: Home Automation 2019 - Getting Started (the start of a new Home Assistant setup...
RTLSDR: I think I caught some meteor reflections from Graves radar today.
blenderhelp: What is the Blender equivalent of Maya's Surface Boundary Tool? (generating geometry...
Build Your Own Dial-up ISP With A Raspberry Pi
Intel Starts Publishing Open-Source Linux Driver Code For Discrete GPUs
Most Americans don’t realize what companies can predict from their data
Classic Mathematics Books for Lifelong Learners
Google .dev domain early access
TOR: script doesn't work with tor-browser
museum: Cornelis Norbertus Gijsbrechts (1639-1683), Vanitas Still Life
financialindependence: I'm going to make it
Hoaxer Behind 2,400 Fake Bomb Threats Caught After Gaming Site Breach
seedswap: Want: perennial sage, thyme and rosemary
esp8266: Build a Self-Watering WiFi Pot - Remote Control Blynk Alternative
Free Software Foundation: Dating Is a Free Software Issue
How to Secure a Linux Server
datasets: Is there a dataset of countries and their famous dish ingredients?
blenderhelp: Make Armature pose proportionally with makehuman models
openwrt: make sambashare writeable
gundeals: [Magazines] Okay Industries SureFeed Aluminum AR-15 30 Round Grey Magazine. $9.99....
homestead: Sometimes in the morning, before i go outside, I look at all my gloves that dried...
homedefense: Best low light IP camera for about 200usd?
Hundreds Still Live In The 'Exclusion Zone' Around Chernobyl
homeautomation: Wiring 3way zwave switch/remote with power supplied directly to the fixture?
RTLSDR: SDR Electronics project for a tool at work (determine presence of power at multiple...
science: Human cells reprogrammed to create insulin: Human pancreatic cells that don’t normally...
Lego Monorail From Your 3D Printer
homeautomation: SwitchMate and Google Home
homeautomation: Build a Self-Watering WiFi Pot - Grow Avocados from Seed
AskElectronics: Constant Current Dummy Load Not Working Properly
homeassistant: Submitting bug reports: am I doing something wrong?
homeassistant: Esphomeyaml, gpio binary_sensor issues.
ArtisanVideos: Making Some Frilly Victorian Underwear || 1890s Combinations
Welding: Torch Cart Build-Victor Journeyman, propane
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specializedtools: nail remover
How Do You Etch Something You Can’t Move?